Ch. 6

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Chapter 6

            As Michelle blinked her eyes a strange feeling washed over her. A weird warmth and almost protective veil seemed to fall upon her body. The pain and aching retreating far away from her as if they had been burned by something. She stood straight up and glanced around, searching for a possible answer. The only thing she was were rows upon rows of books and tattered old newspaper clippings along with the antique paintings hung up on the walls. Truthfully she was the only person there. She was the only one who seemed so affected by whatever it was that “attacked” her.

            A gut feeling deep inside her told her to quickly get the books she might need and to get to hell out of there as soon as possible. She approached the bookcase and scanned the faded titles and spines for what might help her out later on today. There was only one book that would possibly give her the answer out of the other 50 something books. She shook her head and swiftly pulled the small brown leather book out and under her arm.

            She jogged down the spiral stairs, skipping as many steps as she could and practically ran to the desk. The librarian looked up from a book he was reading out from. His eyed glancing at the small book under her arm.

            He flashed a dazzling smile at her as he held a hand out, “Ready to check out the book miss?” he encouraged as she nodded and handed him the book, “Is this all you’re gonna be taking with you today? Did you find what you need and all?” he kept pressing on.

            “Um yeah, whatever.” Was all she responded back, turning her head around the nearly empty building.

            The librarian handed her a card in which he indicated her to sign her name. He soon took a quick picture of her, finishing up a few crucial things in order for her to obtain a town library card and check out the book. She didn’t protest at all. The faster this was over with the faster she could get the hell out of here. As he handed her the card and book she flashed a quick small smile at him and turned on her heels once more, heading straight for the doors. Her hands were already dialing for her dad as she walked out into the cool sunset.

            How long was she in there? She couldn’t have possibly been in there for more than 3 hours. She had barely been in there at the most 30 minutes. So why was it alre-

            “Hello? Michelle are you all done at the library?” asked her worried father, bringing back Michelle from her thoughts.

            “Y-yeah, I’m done now. You can come and pick me up dad.” She muttered into the cell phone.

            She could feel him smile on the other end, “Alright then, if you want just wait for me there at the steps ok? I’ll be right there Michi.” He teased her and hung up.

            Michelle sighed and sat down at the very top of the stairs to the structure. Her golden hued eyes glanced down at the beaten cover. There was no sign of her dad from either side of the roads. She shrugged and opened up the book, propping her elbows up against her knees. The pages were worn and yellowing from old age. The print on the first pages was faded and nearly unreadable, but she managed to understand it was just the title and table of contents. As her eyes scanned the different selections and contents something caught her eye. Under the Myths section was a small chapter titled THE DEMON MANSION.

            She flipped through the pages and was shocked at what she saw. It wasn’t a picture but a drawing of her house. The large tree in the front was in the same place. The windows and structure almost looked welcoming yet terrifying at the same time. Just under the large windows facing the road were rose bushes. The driveway was made of gravel and cobble stones instead of cement.

The Perfect NightmareOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz