Victim One: Genesis - Stealing of LOVELESS

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(Mkay, so here's the first in the collection of one-shots! Remember there is a possibility of mature content ahead. I take no responsibility for any nose bleeds that occur.)

I grinned to myself as I waltzed down the hallway of the first class dorms, making my way to the cafeteria to grab a quick snack. As you can tell I was extremely happy with myself, I had just stolen LOVELESS from Genesis while he was taking a shower. Soldiers steered clear of my path, clearly terrified of my good mood. 

This only made my grin grow as I entered the mess hall, most of it was barren but I did recognize Angeal, Sephiroth and Zack. Oh, this is gonna be good. In truth he'll probably have my ass for my little stunt but my pompous, sassy ass of a boyfriend had it coming. Why? It's Genesis, what didn't he do?

I snatched a water and a Benora apple before making my way over to my boys, yes my boys. They're my family and I wouldn't trade them for the world. Zack paled at seeing my grin and latched onto Angeal, causing the other two to glance up and see what scared the poor puppy. Angeal sighed, knowing I had done something and pried Zack off of him. Sephiroth just raised a brow at me with a small smirk. 

"What did you do this time?" Angeal inquired as I pulled up a chair and crossed my legs. I saw his lips quirk up tho, man knows me well. I didn't reply, I simply pulled out the white clad poem book and took a bite out of my apple. Their eyes went wide, even Sephy's. "You stole LOVELESS from him?!"

"Yep." I said, popping the 'p' and tossed the core over my shoulder into the trash can. "I committed the ultimate taboo, now if you'll excuse me. I must boast of my triumph while I can still walk." 

Angeal shook his head with am amused smile, "Try not to make him too upset, ya?"

I grinned and began to take my leave,"Aw, where's the fun in that Angeal?"

However, I was forgetting something, ah right. Forehead poking. I saluted them with a two finger salute before phasing in front of them and poking each of their foreheads. Zack whined, Angeal grunted and Sephiroth almost caught my hand this time. I laughed and took my leave out of the sliding doors. 

I then proceeded to make my way around the entire Shinra building, making sure to avoid any area I sensed Genesis in. He almost caught me once, around noon, it had be early morning when I started my fiasco. I had my nose in the book and wasn't really paying attention to the elevator as I waltzed down the hallway right in front of it. 

When the doors dinged I cast a glance back out of reflex and had to do a double take. Boy, was he absolutely livid, seemingly perfectly clam on the outside. But in the brief second our eyes met, I saw the clear irritation and with a spark of mischief in my eyes I dashed down the hallway and took a hard right. 

"Damnit, Moonlight! Get your ass back here and give me my damn book!" He shouted furiously, wasting no time in taking off after me. I flashed a fanged grin back at him and took two more rights. Back towards the elevator. Luckily I was far enough ahead to close the doors on time, waving the book at him as he rounded the corner with a shit eating grin on my face.

I locked the doors and selected the entrance floor, faking him out. I wasn't really going down, I let the elevator go but opened the hatch at the top and jumped on top of the elevator. I left it open to piss him off even more and used my wings to catapult me upwards. I made for the roof top and pried open the elevator doors with ease.

I put my wings away and walked towards the edge of the building, looking out at the view. The wind whipped and played with my hair, I smiled. I did always love the view from up here, even if it was mostly just grey, still it had its own unique beauty. I chuckled and strutted over to the elevator door, jumping on top of the cement around it and sitting down. 

I crossed my legs over the edge and decided to read the book again, despite I knew these lines well from how many times my dork of a boyfriend would recite it. Time soon passed quickly, making it around three when my source of amusement finally made it to the top. The elevator doors dinged and I moved my legs quickly.

But I wasn't quick enough, he caught sight of the movement. Thankfully, I was rather used to dodging him and managed to jump away as he tried to pin me to the top of the elevator. In an act of surrender I tossed the book into the air towards him and made for the edge. "I regret nothing!"

Oh, but I really should've known that wouldn't be enough to sate him. Before I could make it even a foot away, the familiar warmth of his arms wrapped around me. His hot breath hit my neck as he spoke,"Really, now? You do realize I can't let your naughty behavior go unpunished, don't you?"

His voice was low and husky with lust, making a delighted and traitorous shiver run up my spine. His arms removed themselves to spin me around and his hands captured my waist before his lips captured mine ferociously. I responded immediately, one hand tangling in his hair and the other on his chest. 

The kiss was passionate, angry and lustful. And good god was he a damn good kisser, our tongues danced dangerously for dominance. His hand moved to the back of my neck to deepen the kiss further. Minutes passed before we had to break for air reluctantly, bodies pressed as close as they could get.

Panting, he rested his forehead on mine, a smug smirk on his swollen lips. My face was flushed as red as his jacket but like hell I cared. Soon enough his lips found mine again and we continued to make out for a good fifteen minutes. Once I had my chance, I slipped LOVELESS out of his pocket and, with a smirk, I dashed off the roof. 

Genesis groaned but chased after me once again, now instead of being irritated with me stealing his book, he was hot and bothered too. Oh, boy. I really was a glutton for punishment today, wasn't I? Still I caught the playful look he sent me nonetheless and gave a grin right back. Ya, this beats my old life back on Earth any day.

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