Victim Two: Sephiroth - Dying of Hair

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~ Hey ya guys! Its SilverMuse here with the second victim! This time everyone's favorite One-Winged-Angel gets to be the recipient of Moon's antics, let's see how he does! >:3 There will be fluff and stuff. 

You have been warned.


Light filtered through the crack in the curtains in a certain First Class's room, landing softly on the pair sleeping peacefully under the dark sheets. The male is the first to stir, waking slowly to see the figure of the woman he loved still sleeping soundly. A rare, tender smile graces his lips as he pulls her closer and wraps a protective arm around her slender waist.

She instinctively snuggles into his chest, burying her face in the crook of his neck. He chuckles as he kisses the top of her head, running a hand through her hair. It is enough to wake her, her eyes flutter open but she does not move from her spot. 

Sensing her awake he chuckles, "Time to get up, love." 

She grunts in reply and snuggles further into his warmth, earning an amused smile from him. He knew his lover hated mornings and today was their day off, but he wasn't one to sleep in unless he really needed to. Besides, he rather enjoyed the challenge of getting her up out of bed, it always yielded amusing or...............'beneficial' results.

 As though she could feel his growing smirk she growls, "Don't you dare, Sephiroth."

Ignoring her warning, he pulls her from him far enough to slam his lips onto hers. She responded immediately, heat rising to her cheeks in the process. Now she's more awake and aware of her surroundings than before. 

They pull apart from their love filled kiss for air, he smirks triumphantly at seeing her flushed face. Oh, how he loved flustering his submissive little badass. She glares at him playfully and rolls her eyes, rolling off the bed and stretching, giving him quite the view.

"Alright I'm up, happy now?" She shoots over her shoulder as she struts to her dresser. His gaze follows her, eyes trialing over every curve and love mark on her nude body. Including the new ones he left last night actually.

He smirks, "Quite."

She mumbles something incoherent to even his enhanced ears as he stands and moves to the bathroom. She turns around as she finishes dressing, amethyst orbs admiring the well built man that was all hers. She smirks and grabs her favorite trench coat, slipping it on and adjusting it.

As soon as she hears the water start running, the smirk turns into a grin. She wasn't one for pranks but she did enjoying toying with her lover and her friends. Unfortunately for Sephiroth, he was going to be the target of her antics this morning. 

As she had put maroon colored hair dye in his shampoo, just enough to cover the top of his head. She chuckles evilly to herself and waits for the right moment before she dashed out the door. Her hand held the door open, the big shit-eating grin never leaving her face.

A moment of silence and confused noises where heard before a sigh and not a yell, but more of a commanding, scolding tone said, "MOONLIGHT."

She laughs evilly, making sure he heard before dashing out the room and making for the cafeteria. Since she, like her lover, was normally stoic faced the grin on her face made many lower class Soldiers uncomfortable. They gave her a wide birth as she made her way to the other first classes and Zack.

Zack looked up at her first and had to do a double take with wide, fearful eyes. Noticing the puppy's distress, Angeal and Genesis looked up to the unusually expressive only female First Class Solder. They glanced at each other before Genesis decided to pry, "What's got you in such a disturbing mood?"

She takes a seat, resting her chin in her hand, "You'll see in"

The temperature in the room drops as a very, very upset and miffed General struts in. All eyes widen and Genesis bursts out laughing at the sight of Sephiroth's hair. Angeal's mouth drops in horror and he glances back to the still smiling, evil, woman. 

Sephiroth's eyes lock onto the source of his misfortune, making shivers run down her spine. Oh, boy. She was in for it later on tonight, though she wasn't really sure if that was bad thing. Still she couldn't deny she was a bit nervous, she was after all very submissive when it came to intimacy.

Not wanting to make a scene, Sephiroth restrains himself from saying anything about his hair for the day. And Genesis makes sure to rub it in as much as he can, through snide remarks and glances. Moonlight then decides to save Sephiroth from the sassy poet with a little remark of her own.

"If you're feeling left out Gen, I'll put dye in your shampoo too." The look she gives him is evilly innocent and he pales.

"What color?" He asks, afraid of the answer.

"Yellow, no wait, maybe green." She replies, pretending to think. Sephiroth smirks at Genesis' fearful expression. He loops an arm around his mischievous lover, squeezing slightly in a silent thank you. 

She smiles before her 2nd Class apprentice taps her shoulder politely. She smiles at him and his shyness before nodding and standing up. She had promised to train with Cloud today and bid her group goodbye for the morning. 

~le time skip~

The training had lasted all day, due to Clouds ridiculous stamina. She however, had barely worked up a sweat. Still she wanted to take a cold shower to relax her muscles and prepare for tomorrow. Temporarily forgetting the beast that awaited her in its den.

As soon as she closed the door to her shared bedroom, she was pushed against it. She panicked slightly and was about to defend herself when her wrists were pinned to the sides of her head. Her wide eyes stared into the green-blue, serpent-like irises of her lover, glowing with a vengeful lust.

She gulps nervously, "It really doesn't look that-mff!" 

Her sentence it cut short as Sephiroth slams his lips onto hers in a heated kiss. She responds, still not seeing how this is a punishment but decides to go with it anyway. Besides, what sane person would resist him?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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