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Have you ever felt that you weren't good enough? That someone deserved someone better than you?

That's how I feel right now. Someone who I considered a sister (told everything about myself to) tells me that I'm not good enough for him. I've been hearing people tell me that for years now, and to hear her say it hurt like hell.

I'm sorry that I'm not good enough for him, or you apparently! If you forgot, I WAS THE ONE WHO GOT YOU TO YOUR OWN WEDDING! You were scared to marry him, but who was there? ME!

Who told you that everything was going to work out?! ME! Who was there when you disappeared and he was worried out of his damn mind?! ME! Who was there when everything feel apart? When you felt him broken and he blamed himself? He'll always feel that way, but who made him forget? Me, I made him forget. I watch his heart break a little bit more when he saw you with someone else.

I was there when you weren't so you have no reason to talk about me. No reason to blame me. If you wanted him so bad then you wouldn't have let him go in the first place! I'm not going to lie, I MADE A MISTAKE! So did you, everyone has made at least one mistake in their life...I learned from mine.

I can't believe that I trusted you! I told you everything and you do that to me?! I would've never even thought of doing that to you! You were like a sister to me! I loved you, and tried so hard to be the best that I could for him. But it wasn't enough, I wasn't and I never will be.

I'm sorry that I'm not good enough for him, or you Cam.


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