Is it me?

25 2 6

What the hell is wrong with me? What am I doing that's so wrong?

I literally get to know a guy, and he tells me that he's fallen in love with someone else. What did I say? I told him that it was okay, but it's not! 

I help guys who are broken all of the time. After they left and I became a memory, I didn't really mind. But this one hurts like hell.

I'm already broken, I can't be fixed but I try to help those who have SOME hope in them. I "fix" them, they love someone else, and forget about me. I become a memory and that's never bothered me until now. 

I'm not perfect, but I try my hardest to get as close to it as I can. I'm broken, damaged beyond repair, and there's no hope for me. I help guys who have hope, who want to get better.

I'm so tired of being a casualty of someone else's happiness! They never care about me! They say that they'll stay, but they never do! I JUST WANT SOMEONE TO CARE ABOUT ME! TO BE SCARED OF LOSING ME!

*sighs* But that will never happen to me for the simple fact that I'm not good enough. I'm not worthy enough to know the utter agony of loving someone...I'm still going to help people because that's what I do.

Anyone who's been reading my message board knows about my predicament...I'm sorry that I'm not always updating like I should, but I'll get better. And please know that I'm always here for you guys.

I know what it feels like to not be accepted and treated differently. If you ever need to let it out then come to me. I'll always listen and try to help.

Oh, and for those of you who think that you can help my guest.

Welcome to my world! حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن