New Neighbors

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(Emily's pov)

*Beep beep beep* the sound of a truck backing up. "New Neighbors must be here" I think to my self. I get up and walk to the mirror my blonde hair was a mess. " yikes" I say grabbing my towel off my desk chair and heading into the bathroom. i shower and dry my hair then i put on a pair of ripped jean shorts a maroon shirt that hangs off one shoulder. I grab my phone and run outside to go meet the neighbors. I ring the door bell and wait for a minute when a girl about my age answers the door. She was a few inches taller that me long brown hair and green eyes that sparkled.
"Shit she's cute as hell what am I thinking"  I think to my self I never felt this way for a girl. I push the thoughts to the back of my head.
" Hi I'm Emily I live next door I just wanted to say hi so hi" I say nervously.
(Cleos POV)
" Hi I'm Emily I live next door I just wanted to say hi so hi" the girl said with a nervous tone.
"Damn she cute" I thought to my self
"I'm Cleo" I say
"Welcome to the neighborhood" she says " where r u from" she asked
"Australia" I say.
"Wow" she says we stand there for a few minutes till I decided to say something.
"Do you wanna come in and hang out" I ask.
"Yeah sure" she says stepping into the house.
"Don't get any ideas Cleo you know what your parents would do if they found out you liked girls do you know what anyone would do?" I say to myself. I could help but feel I had a strong connection with this girl.
"Do you wanna play GTA?" I ask her eyes widened they were a beautiful blue.
"Hell yeah" she says. We played for a few hours then decided to watch a movie.
"Where are your parents" she asks
"They went to try to learn there way around" I say plopping back onto the couch.
" I've only known u for less than a day but I feel like we have known each other for a while" she says
"Yeah it's like I've known you whole life" I say. We started at each other for a few minutes then we both started to lean in. We're were inches away when she pulled back.
" I'm sorry I don't know what came over me" she said blushing furiously.
"It's fine because I feel the same way" I put my hand on the side of her face and lead her in and we kiss. We kissed for what seemed like forever when the sound of a door opening sends me flying back.
"Hey Cleo were home, oh you made a friend hi I'm Cleo,s mom"
" it's nice to meet you" she says
"Its good you found a friend to show u around school next month"
"Mom I'm 17 I can find my way around just fine"
" I should probably get going here's my number " she says
"Bye" I say I could only hope that this was the start of something beautiful.

****hello hope u enjoyed the first chapter it's short but I wanted to give you an idea of what it would be about just to clarify the live in an anti-lgbt world any way hope u liked it****

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