Sick day

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(Jacks pov)
I finally got done with yet another video, I think I got done with about five pre-recorded video because I was feeling,sick and since I don't like when I can't get videos out I just recorded some.
The sky was dark which I never like the weather when it gets bad.So I called mark because he's my best friend and all
Mark: oh hey jack how are
Jack : I'm good just feeling under the weather
Mark : oh I'm sorry do you need anything
Jack : some soup
Mark : all be right over friend
Jack : okay see you soon
I walk into my room to continue editing till I felt so ill I rushed to the bathroom and I throw up."UGH" I got up to wash my face and the light all of a sudden turned off. IT SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME !!! I searched the wall closest to the door and turned the lights of , I was scared but when I looked in the mirror my face was.........different...I couldn't explain it but my eye was-was gone. I screamed and I blacked out. I'm guessing mark was at the door because I saw him hover over me with a worried look.
Mark : JACK!!!
He Practically screamed my name
Mark : oh my god! Are you ok ? I heard you scream and when I came in you where on the floor and and and.....
Jack : I'm ok . I guess I scared myself because when I looked in the mirror I looked so different my face and my EYE!!!
I had lifted my hands to my eye and ended out poking my eye "oww" I said in pain as my eye stared to tear up a bit.
Mark just looked at me with a weird experience as if I was crazy in the head!?.
Mark : why in the world did you poke your eye ??
He's said
Jack : because when I looked in the mirror my eye was gone and then I blacked out.
Mark looked like he knew what was wrong with me,but I didn't think anything of it at this point. I looked around in search of the soup.
Mark : what are you looking for?
Jack : well I'm sick, and the reason your here is to bring me soup right?
Mark : oh yeah , it's in the bathroom-
Jack : why
Mark : because when I walked in my best friend was screaming and when I went to look for him he was passed out on the floor.
Jack : ohhhh yeah
I said about to get up but mark stoped me
Jack : ummm mark what are you doing. Let me up!
I looked up at mark...but it wasn't mark...

So here's the first part of my very first story hope chu like it

~ love

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