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The royals of the world are those who are seemingly superior to the rest of society when in reality, they have no power. People just think they do. We don't make the decisions yet the naive people of the world seem to think we do. The only reason we are both feared and well known is because that is how it has always been for the hierarchy known as the royals. We are powerful yet weak. We are important yet insignificant. All of this can be changed and manipulated by the public, and only some are clever enough to know the pros of being one of us. Those people? They are the ones who try to break the rules that society has placed in front of them like an obstacle, they are the ones who fight for the truth to be given to their people. They are the ones that can destroy us.

My names Madeline and I'm a fake royal.

Royally fuckedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora