1- Death takes its toll

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When my brother, the only family I had left was announced dead I was left with nothing. He had so many bills to pay off that when his death became noticed by the companies they made sure they took everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything. I was only left with the clothes on my back and if they could take them they would. That day was the day I stopped caring about how my actions would impact others, and I set out to complete what my brother was destined to do his whole life. He had it all planned out. We had it all planned out, but our stupid selves should have realised that nothing ever goes to plan.

If everything goes right the second time around those around me will refer to me as queen. For all of this to go right, I've got to make sure every intricate detail is perfect. If not? The whole plan is foiled and I'm left with a bad reputation. What can you do with a bad reputation? Well you can't take over the world that's for sure.

To even stand a chance at getting anywhere near those royals who are with held from the rest of society's grasp I must act. I'm good at acting, I love pretending I'm someone I'm not. It's something that fascinates me, by changing the way you look, act and lie can in all change your impression on the world. Therefore, creating a new identity for yourself.

What do I have in store for my unsuspecting victims? Well you will just have to wait and see what the rath of Madeline can do.

My steps feel forced as I drag my body tensely towards the clinic. It's for the greater good. It's for the greater good. A big sigh escapes my mouth as I pull open the glass door to reveal a small desk with a lady typing rapidly upon the advanced device.

I approach her slowly before stopping In front of her. She doesn't look up from her work, instead she continues to type furiously on the keyboard with amazing speed. I can never grasp exactly how receptionists do that. She mustn't have noticed my presence yet. Yeah. That's definitely the reason. I clear my throats to get her attention and she darts her head up until her eyes lock with mine. Fear seems to be radiating off of her body and I notice her shaking figure. Most people find me intimidating.

"Um s-sorry s-ma'am I didn't see you there." I smile warmly to reassure her I mean no harm. Her fear lessens slightly however it doesn't completely subside. I can still sense the tension in the air.

"Um it's fine just look up my name. I'm booked in for 11." I say as sweetly as I can, holding back my sarcastic and rude comments. My gritted teeth perform a forced smile.

"Yes. Your Madeline your first tattoo removal is scheduled now if you would just like to follow me-"

"Excuse me? I need them ALL off today!" I scream at her with an anger ridden expression, my blood boiling beneath my skin. If I don't get them all of today it will ruin everything!

Her body cowers in fear as her petite small in stature body stands in front of my much taller physique. I take a deep breathe to compose myself and decrease the anger brewing up inside.

"Look. Woman. I'm sorry just... I need them all off today. Can you get that arranged?"

She nods and then I see her hesitate.

"What is it?" I hiss.

"We. We don't have enough anaesthetic for such a big removal I'm sorry." She trembles, wobbling like a little jelly on a plate.

"I will do it without! I just need it done at all costs!" I scream. This is going to hurt like a bitch.

"Ok ok follow me." I nod at her.

She guides me down a narrow hall, keeping her eyes down towards the white tiled floor.

Her body stops in front of a white door with a name tag plastered to it. Mathew fawner.

She opens the door and ushers me to follow her. She gestures to the bed so I lie down. This is going to take some time.

The door opens to reveal Mathew in all his glory which results on my body completely relaxing.

After hours of pain and distress the work was finally done. Now, for phase two of identify correction.

I exit the hell ho- ...tattoo removal clinic and pace down the crowded streets of London. I take glances at the many shops surrounding myself until my eyes land on just what I need. The hair shop. A little smile creeps onto my lips as I enter, heading straight towards the hair dyes.

What colour should I choose? So many to decide upon. Hmmm... blonde? Red head? Black? Auburn? Chestnut? The normal hair dyes range in a variety of shades but one in particular captures my attention. The whitey blonde colour screams innocent and pure. Ha one can dream! I grab it from the shelf and grip it tight to my chest, as of my life depends on it. In some way it kind of does.

My legs move swiftly to the checkout and I smile kindly at the old man running the cashier who scowled viciously at me, resembling a rabid dog ready to attack. I retract the smile form my lips and replace it was a blank expression. Some people just don't appreciate kindness.

He practically throws the box at me after I hand him the money and I want nothing more than to wipe that scowl off of his face with my fist but I must remember the old saying, 'respect your elders' why the fuck should we respect them? There the fuckers who are the rude disrespectful ones.


I lather my hair in shampoo and conditioner to rinse off the remains dye in my hair. I watch the white frothy suds go down the drain, bye beautiful brown hair. Sigh.

I dry of my dripping hair and wet body before changing into a simple lace dress. Perfect. I stare at myself in the mirror with a smile. I'm still me deep down this is just a mask. I like how I look now, even when this is over I'm not going back.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and huff out of annoying. What's next?

Makeup. Lots of it yet it must look subtle. Yeah that's it. I apply a base coat of concealer with a small layer of foundation on top. I brighten up my pale cheeks with a bit of blush. Beautiful.

And last of all for the looks category? Assets. I need BIGGER assets in both the boobs and ass department to really capture the attention of my future partner. What? He might be a royal but he is still apart of the male population.

I've been taking pills to increase the size of each and surprising it works. Better had work cost me over 100 dollars. I've gone up from a D cup to a E in two months and my rear end? Women would die for one of those. My body is now perfectly curved, perfected and ready to be out on the market for my fellow Harry. Oh dear Harry you don't even know what's coming, but trust me it's coming so you better be ready to face the hardest thing you've ever had to endure. You just don't know it yet and that's the thing that gets my adrenaline pumping, the thought of destroying the one thing that supposedly holds everything in place.

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