2- Meetings

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My blood pumps around my body as I walk to the warehouse to refresh the memory of my fellow delinquents. Oh how I love this job.

I walk through the door way easily as the actual door seems to be off of its hinges. Another thing to replace ugh men. I stride towards the stand that is in the center of this torn down mess. The walls are bare and dirty, the floor concrete and plastered with dry blood.

The place is fairly big, enough to fit 400 comfortably standing.

I stand impatiently on the stand, tapping my foot waiting for them all to arrive. Next time they are late I will kill each and every single one of them. You can't do that you need each one. True.

The footsteps of around 200 men and 100 young boys makes me stand straight and acknowledge them all with a brief nod. I grab the gun from inside my jeans and hold it to my side for safety purposes. The crowd of people cheer and shuffle about.

I clear my throat to try and get the attention to them, then I try shouting. Nothing. I direct my gun to the ceiling that results in an ear piercing roar. The crowds attention immediately darts to me. Thank you.

"So, you all know why you are gathered here today..." they all nod in unison

"Yes. Today is the day that everything will start to change in England, and across the world. And with your help we can take down the royals with a bang. Who's with me?" The boys roar with enthusiasm while the men just nod.

"That's the spirit. You all know your roles within the operation but if any of you are unsure please say. I don't want any retarded fellas running raged under my rule. You hear me?" They all nod again. I smile with pride at the respect these people show for me.

I hear a whisper erupt from the back of the room and I quickly spot who it is and tune in.
'She's just a girl she has no real power we need a man' the statement makes my blood boil and my whole body vibrates in anger.

"What did I just hear, Bray?" I spit venomously. The man who looks to be in his late 30s gulps noticeably, but he stands tall not showing any signs of defeat.

The crowd parts to reveal him all alone, in direct view of me. I hold my gun straight, aiming for his head.

"You know what happens to people like you?" I say with a mischievous, physcotic  smirk on my face.

"P-please I have children!" His whole body trembles and I sigh. I wouldn't do that, I wouldn't take someone's family away it's cruel.

I aim my gun towards his leg and then his arm.

"IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN I WOULD RUN BEFORE YOU DIE!" He quickly scrambles across the floor. His friends just stare at him blankly as he struggles to exit the building and flee.

I've given him a chance to live. Yeh I'm not evil. Am I?

" I'm sorry all of you lovely people had to see something like that. Now let's get back to business." I say while swinging my gun around my fingers. They don't flinch or cower away. Just stare. These men truly are a sight. I've recruited some pretty decent looking fellas.

"Now. John, Pete and Micheal your our team of  short distance spies, you will keep tracks on where I am at all times to avoid mission failure and my possible death." All three men nod.

"Hunter, Jackson, Zayn and Jake you are what I would say, the brains of the plan. You all must help carry out the rest of the scheme while I am completing the other important aspects of the mission." They nod.

" Xavier and Bailey you must take shifts guarding my office, it contains too much evidence to be left unattended. Understood? this is extremely crucial to the cause." They nod wearily so I raise an eyebrow. The second time they nod more confidently which receives my approval.

"Brad, Mark and Daniel you are our appointed doctors so if anything does go wrong or someone gets hurt you better be right on the case."

"As for the rest of you I want you to be ready at all times for an ultimate battle between royals and gangs." They all nod with evil smirks. The time has finally come and I couldn't be more happy. Operation royals is a go.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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