Awkward moments and situations.

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  • Dedicated to To everyone who has experienced an awkward moment!!! :D

Here are some awkward and funny things in which some have happened to me.( I lied MANY have happened to me! Cringe!) Let me know if you have experienced these or tell me about whether you have been in an awkward situation or had a mortifying experience. I have had so many that it will be difficult to think of everything.... 0.o Thats why I am also adding things that I think would be awkward or embarrassing. :)

It's incredibly awkward when you are in a loud location or in a loud classroom and everyone is talking way too loud. You try to tell something to your friend who is sat next to you but you also have to talk loud. Suddenly everything falls silent and then you realize that you are now talking loudest and EVERYBODY can hear you. Sometimes they even turn to look at you. (I don't dare look to see as I can see everyone looking back probably!) =S

Awfully embarrassing when you pick up a chair but you don't realize that the top of the chair isn't attached properly. (You can see where this is going.) The chair falls and hits the floor making an extremely loud noise so everyone in the room looks at you. What's worse then is when you randomly have a fake sudden burst of laughter ( which is awfully loud) to cover up your embarrasment! (.0.o yes this has happened)

When you are in a corridor and there are a few steps in front of you. Only a few but still. There is a small group of people behind you. As you are walking up them your foot catches on the edge and you trip up causing the people behind to laugh. Your friend asks if you are okay but you know that they are dying to laugh too! (Lol even you laugh a bit though.)

Awkward and embarrasing when you out at a (boring) supermarket and you leave the troley for a few seconds. You go back and move the trolley only to realize your mum has the trolley and there is a woman behind you who is trying to get her trolley back! (ahhh this has happened a few times.)

You are unable to take part in the swimming lesson at school but you forget a note. You tell the PE teacher why you cannot participate but they still ask questions. (awkward!)

It's terribly embarrassing when you accidently burst out saying something that you think you want to tell someone but then you realize it was better not to tell them as it was quite embarrassing and it's only something you would tell a close friend! (ahhhh I think this may have happened to many people)

Awkward when you say too much to one of the girls who you don't even talk to at school and afterwards they give you an odd look and glance at their friends. (0_o)

Embarrassing when you laugh really hard at something and then you end up accidentally "letting loose". ( A miranda moment!)

Awfully awkward/embarrassing when you offer meat to a vegetarian before you realize that they don't eat meat. ( can you imagine that?)

When you have a nightmare about one of your teachers at school. (This actually happened last night!!!)

When you are getting changed for swimming and your P.E. teacher walks straight past you. 0.o

When everything is quiet and you randomly cough one but it is loud and echos.

When your shoe comes off in a crowded corridor and you have to fight your way through everyone to get it back.

Your teacher gives you something to add to your work and you are unable to understand their writing.

When you bump into someone who you are desperately trying to avoid.

When you are trying to avoid someone and they sit right next to you or very close to you.

Incredibly awkward/weird when you start singing along to something with your friends and when they stop you keep singing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2012 ⏰

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