Chapter 1

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1.Thou shall not leave "The Bliss" without authority.
2. Remember your duty.
3. Thou shall not fall in love with a FIEND.

Here I am again staring at these "Laws". For over 4 years in this school or let me say "training ground", we've been told how important following the laws are. Why we need to follow them and the purpose of these laws.

Im Chamuel by the way, and it's my last few days in this school, before I get my first mission, finally use what I've learned and take the test if I can earn my wings. It's been everyone's goal to earn their wings, once you have them you are now a certified guardian but, they can take it away from you if you do something wrong. I was born with the blood of one of the first few guardians so my family is expecting a lot from me, which I hate. As I walk back to my room I can't help but think what would happen after I leave this school. Would my dream of being a hero and be remembered by people happen or just be a normal guardian of The Bliss?

Then I see my roommate who hates me for I dont know what hell of a reason, Raphael.

"Hey Raph!" I say cheerfully

"Hey" he answered in a low voice

"What's up?" I asked

"Well, were having a party remember? And you're supposed to be setting up" he answered in a somehow annoyed voice

"Oh shit. I totally forgot. How much time do I have left?"

"You have about an hour, and don't you dare ask me to help you. Last time I helped you we ended up in the dean's office and I was blamed for everything." he answered in an angry and annoyed voice

"Fine. I won't ask help, though I was planning to. But, could I just ask if you could somehow just clean the room a bit?" I asked

" Fine. Just a few more days left and you'll be out of my life and I can live peacfully like a regular guardian." he says then walks away.

I really don't know what he hates about me. We've been roommates for about 4 years yet nothing has change on how he looks at me. The way he looks at me like he's ready to burn me or skewer me with barbeque sticks. Right now Im taking very long steps, Im probably running. I have an hour. I can't believe I totally forgot about the party, I was looking forward to this for like how many weeks already. I even already printed signs that says "NO WEAPONS INSIDE" cause some things may happen and when weapons are available I don't know what the party will end up looking like.

What food would I serve in the party? Will the people I invite show up? Will everyone enjoy?

These questions come to my mind, because I just feel nervous about this party, since its my first time hosting one. I don't even know why I've decided to host a party just now.

This party will mark the end of my years here in school. Then, I would be a guardian. My dreams will come true, and I'd make my father and family proud. Just a few more days and all of these would be done. All the hardships I've been through in this school and all the sacrifices I've done. Just a few more days a-an....

Then I hear people talking. Talking about the FIENDS.

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