Le dates

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Yea Lola: ok so... skitty_the_skitty dared Espeon and Umbreon to go one a date~!
Umbreon: 0^0 wat

~Some time later~
Umbreon: Im READY!
Espeon: same..

~at le restaurant~

*Espeon and Umbreon eating food*
Umbreon: hey Espeon how was your..uh day!
Espeon: well seeing that there was a dare sayin-
Umbreon: oh
Espeon: yea..

~Some time later at a park in night~
Umbreon: *glows his rings*
Espeon: *glows her pearl and sits*
Umbreon: *sits with Espeon*
Umbreon: isn't pretty?
Espeon: yup..
*both Espeon and Umbreon look in the pond and sees themselves*
*Espeons tail turns into a heart shape*
Umbreon: ...
In Umbreons mind: ready?..3..2..1..GO!
Umbreon: *kisses Espeon*
Espeon: *blushes*
Umbreon: *face turns red as a tomato*

~At the house~
Leafeon: how did your date go?
Umbreon and Espeon: blushes*
*Umbreon faints*
Leafeon: *looks at Umbreon* oh.. so THATS what happened.. well come in!
Espeon: *goes to her room*


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