2 : a touch of evil

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         (disclaimer; very long chapter)

"oh! the red-headed ansel elgort at 4'o'clock !" veronica blurts out to betty,kevin and quinn

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"oh! the red-headed ansel elgort at 4'o'clock !" veronica blurts out to betty,kevin and quinn. they look down the hall, "who is that?" veronica questions.

"archie andrews." betty sighs with her heart, veronica looks at the petite girl and smirks a little,"is he your boyfriend?" quinn looks as archie walks to his class.

"no he's straight

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"no he's straight." kevin says passively as betty says "no,just friends." quinn just stands there not knowing what to say.

"actually to clarify, betty and archie aren't dating but they are endgame." kevin states. veronica nods, "well in that case you should ask him to the semi-formal." kevin sighs deeply,"she should, but i heard it might be getting canceled, because of what happened to jason."

quinn stops in her tracks as the 3 others do. "who's jason and what happened to him ?" quinn wondered the same thing veronica asked. no one told her about what happened to jason, in fact this is the first she's hearing of it.

"wait, betty what happened?" quinn asks her best friend. kevin tenses up a little, "you didn't tell her?" quinn furrows her eyebrows, confusion wiped along her face. "jason drowned this summer, a boating accident i guess." quinn nods ,"it happened on the 4th of july. jason and cheryl were out on sweetwater river that morning."

quinn couldn't help but thing of what cheryl bombshell was feeling. quinn lost someone too that summer, but in cheryl's case something bigger was going on than she imagined.

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