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That's what she said.


That's what he said.

And the whole world lit up.


Mature Themes Implied

Reader Discretion is Advised

But you don't have to follow our advice, that's cool.

-Kat and Hope and Mady? ♡


His shoes made that strange crunching sound in the snow as  recognizable as that old TV show theme song someone once watched as a  kid. You didn't realize you could replay that song forever and forever  and never lose its tune. It was as memorable as someone taking a breath;  you don't realize how important it was until you really thought about  it. That meant that person was alive for even just a second, and they  were just alive. You both were alive and existing. There was nothing  more to that.

His breath became a curl of smoke in front of him as if he was  smoking a pipe. It became nothing against the scenery of a Phoenix Drop  winter. That little breath didn't matter anymore as he slowly moved  towards one of the cafes that were lit up in the town. His sudden move  made a difference in the path he had made in the snow which would  eventually be covered by someone else's path. He was just a ghost  walking at that point.

His eyes were sparkling emeralds against the white, staring at the  infamous icon on the cafe door. He pressed his body against the door,  fogging the glass with his sudden exhale. The door swung open with  someone's faint voice greeting, "Welcome to Starbucks!"

The words pounded in his head leaving him staggering the whole way to  the counter. His feet stumbled, tripping him with every step. If he had  been doing it in front of a police officer, he would've been arrested  from the first step. This was a familiar feeling to the man. It was an  endless cycle that was not going to stop in any way. With what he's been  doing, he was slowly allowing him to fall into a black hole.

She could tell he was slipping. Screams echoed in the darkness he had  decided to wrap himself in. It was some sort of controlled chaos. Each  step was calculated but his body leaned side to side. He was walking the  tightrope over the vat of lava he had made himself cross. No one made  him walk across it. He did that. Every step he took was a consequence of  his own reckless decisions.

His sparkling green irises that could be mistaken for emeralds were  captured by a claw of red. The dilation of his pupils made his eyes look  even more unnatural. They were like the eyes you saw in a horror movie  as the main protagonist is face to face with a beast. You watched as  they cower in fear but she couldn't help but be enthralled on how stupid  a person could be.

She just wanted to get close to the beast who was about to pounce and slap it in the face.

Maybe she should've done that when he had walked in

Maybe that would've set the tone for the rest of her morning.

Sadly, she didn't and what a mistake that was.


Hey and welcome to our new book! Hope and I are so happy to finally announce we're doing a collaboration with each other! After being friends with each for so long we thought it was right to write about this particular ship. The ship to end all ships for Hope and me! Anyways, we hoped you all enjoyed and if you did, don't forgot to vote and comment! We love you all so very much! Buh-bye!

-Kat <3

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