Chapter 2

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It was as if the world was thrown into flames, breaking the illusion of the norm. Katelyn felt like she was thrown into the Matrix. She couldn't tell the difference between what was fantasy and what was in front of her. Katelyn was in the middle of a melting pot of all her worst nightmares and all her fears.

She looked at those green eyes, so vivid in the scene that had dulled to no color at all. They seemed to follow her gaze but only for a moment. She was positive that he had not paid much mind to her. He was too invested in saying hi to his best friend than anything else.

His features were more striking when he was sober. There was something about him sober that she had not seen hung over. His high cheekbones, caving his face slightly in. His slightly upturned nose, almost as if he had smelt something distasteful.

Yet, all of those features paled in comparrison of his eyes. They reminded Katelyn of the eyes only spoken of in the legends about wolves. Shaking her head, she tried to rid of the faint memory of learning Norse mythology in high school. She didn't need that at the moment.

Katelyn stopped her observing, turning back to an empty spot next to her where Nicole once was. She looked around, her eyes landing on her best friend whose arms were wrapped around her boyfriend. Katelyn could tell she was smiling, giggling a bit like she was in high school again. That's the only reason Katelyn tolerated Dante; he made Nicole happy.

There was nothing wrong with Dante. He was a decent guy, sometimes letting his eyes wander but remained forever faithful to Nicole. Though, Katelyn and him didn't seem to click. Maybe it was because she was so standoffish and sarcastic that his nice guy persona was offended by it. She really didn't know and frankly, she didn't care.

Dante was only significant in the matter of Nicole. Nowhere else in her life did Dante play a major role. The only role he had was making Nicole happy and that was it. Still, it didn't help that there was another thing connecting the two of them now. The guy she had just offended earlier was his best friend: the best friend she was going to hang out for the rest of the evening.

She sighed, defeated. It wouldn't hurt, she supposed, to apologize to him. That was what she wanted to do in the first place, after he had left Starbucks. Her feet moved before she even knew it. It was like she was James Bond sashaying to the other side of the house. The moment she had seemed to finally make her way there, the mystery boy was suddenly occupied with the arrival of his best friend.

Flustered from getting stuck in the awkward moment, she fiddled with the sleeves of her cardigan, looking at the assortment of white stripes that twisted around the blue of the clothing. It was good to busy herself so no one would pay much attention to her. She made her way back to the kitchen table where she had left her phone, unbothered. Well, unbothered until someone decided to make their way to her.

"Hey Lady Katelyn," Laurance's voice chimed in front of her. She looked up and gave a small smile. Her eyes wandered, trying to look for his boy toy, Garroth or any way to get out of this conversation. She wasn't in the mood for social interaction, at the moment. Though when the brunette's boyfriend was out of view, she looked straight at his light blue eyes with a questioning look.

"Hey Laurance, where's your little boyfriend? I never see you two apart."

Laurance blushed a light pink becoming flustered from the comment. He ran a hand through his light brown hair. "K-Katelyn, you know that we've just been on a few dates. It's nothing serious. Anyways, I thought you would happy to see me. Guess I thought wrong."

"I'm happy to see you, don't get me wrong," Katelyn replied, smirking this time. "I just think you and Garroth have chemistry, that's all. When you came out bi, we all kind of thought you two would end up together."

"Well all of you thought wrong--" His sentence was cut short by someone's British voice yelling out Laurance's name. Both of them looked at Garroth who was signaling for Laurance's attention. He looked like he was in the middle of a conversation with Dante's best friend.

"There's your boy toy!" Katelyn chuckled from Garroth's sudden outburst. "Irene, you and Nicole make me feel so single."

Laurance didn't seem to be listening, he was too busy smiling. Realizing he was in the middle of a conversation with Katelyn, he hid his face to avoid teasing. He cleared his throat, trying to get his train of thought back. "I'm sorry that your personality does not resonate with other people but, hey, Dante's best friend over there is pretty attractive. You may want to get at that."

Katelyn bit her bottom lip, not wanting the story of how she already met the guy she was supposed to "get at." She would never live that down. There was already a bad feeling about this whole "hang out" in her gut. She looked at Laurance and said, "I'm gonna go do something first. I'll be back quickly."

He nodded his head and headed over to Garroth, joining his conversation with Dante's best friend. She made her way to the kitchen table and pocketed her phone. Katelyn made her hand into a fist and knocked on the wood. In her head, she constantly repeated, "This will be a bad time. This will be a bad time. This will be a bad time...." She did this until they called her over to go.

To go to this "bad time."

It wasn't that Travis didn't notice her. He just wanted to pretend she didn't exist for now. He really didn't want to be reminded of what she had said. Though, who could mistake the stupidity of putting a full lemon in someone's coffee for another? There was obvious significance in her action that made her stay in his mind.

He had met many employees horrible at their jobs but they had all rid themselves from his mind. Their actions stayed in his mind but their faces never did. Granted, he had only met her a couple of hours ago. It had seemed to be cruel, fate playing its tricks again to make them end up in the same place a couple hours later.

Now, they were at an arcade expected to interact with one another. Technically he didn't need to, but still, the four other people they were with are romantically involved with one another. For the single pringles, it was time to mingle.

He walked up closer to his best friend, watching as his blue haired self held hands with his girlfriend. Travis then watched as that girlfriend let go of his hand, walking over to her best friend. Hurriedly, he ran up to Dante, matching his pace.

"Hey Dante," Travis greeted as he walked with him. "What's the bluenette's name?"

Dante looked at his friend with pure amusement. There was a certain sparkle of mischief in his blue eyes. "Her name is Katelyn who is off limits by Nicole's standards. Though, if you're interested, I could tell Nicole to bring her next party."

"No, I don't want to sleep with her. She's not my type," Travis retorted, making sure his friend got the memo. He whispered to himself, "I don't sleep with people who don't cut lemons."

"Oh really? I thought you were into girls with nice butts."

Sure enough, Travis' eyes wandered to Katelyn's lower backside, immediately blushing from staring too long. She did have a nice butt, he decided. Dante laughed, punching Travis arm softly, "Just ask her to play skee ball with you. You'll get a nice view."

"Because that doesn't seem belittling at all," Travis huffed, only to get a smirk from his best friend. Before they knew it, the two were opening the doors to the supposed "place of fun." Though Travis would have anything but fun.


A/N - SO. SORRY. FOR. THE. LONG. WAIT. School got me uninspired and left me with no time. I really do apologize for the rushed chapter but anyways I hoped you all enjoyed! I love you all so very much! Buh-bye!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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