Reunion Protocol

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The entire ship seemed brighter, Garrus hummed slightly as he watched Joker, taking EDI's name off the wall had given everyone hope. He watched as the female AI stood before it, scanning the new names and looking at all the crew. Everyone had been overjoyed at the surprise, everyone but Liara, who was certain the hack was something else entirely. Only those aboard the ship had met Legion and even then, no one had been brave enough to befriend the bot, not like Shepard had. Garrus blinked faintly as he watched Joker hold onto EDI's hand, many still didn't think Shepard had survived and even though they were back in the Sol system, they had not heard anything.

"We have our orders from Hackett, Garrus, we'll be landing shortly." Jeff said and turned to the turian with a faint smile, "Still no word on her though." He added and looked at EDI, who merely shrugged. She had no memory over who brought her back, except the two words that were deep within her code. Come Home. Garrus nodded slightly, thankful humans couldn't understand or even hear subvocals, otherwise they would all know how nervous being near Earth was making him. It was one thing to hope she was alive, another completely to actually find out. He looked back towards the memorial wall and read through all the names.

Garrus walked into her cabin slowly, the fish long gone and the lights in the tank turned off, the hamster squeaked as he walked past and stood at the top of the stairs. He had left everything untouched, it wasn't meant to be changed and he knew that if she, she would come back, when she did he knew she'd fuss over the fact things were missing or worse, things being moved. He sighed and brushed his hand over the couch, what was he supposed to do? What would she have him do? He had left her behind and that had been the hardest thing he had ever done. Sitting slowly on the bed he looked around, this place had once been so full of life and now it was nearly bare.

Garrus owed Shepard so much it was almost funny. He was a son of a solider and obviously became a solider himself, though he always had an issue with rules and regulations, namely the red tape around finishing a case. He had believed that the best way to get the result would be to risk anything, though that had often caused tension between himself and his father. On many occasions he had found himself frustrated, to what happened to some of the people around him, even more so when they got away with crime. That had all changed with Shepard, she taught him that the end didn't justify the means and that was something he had never thought on really. Garrus leaned back slightly and thought more on what else she had shown him.

Garrus had been certain, a hundred percent sure, that he wanted to finish this now. Set up in the rafters of the Citadel, looking through the scope at the point where Sidonis would be. Sidonis needed to pay for the deaths of their friends, all ten, and each one deserved justice. How he didn't see it coming was anyone's guess, but that was beside the point. Trust had been broken, betrayal had been swift and harsh, as much as Garrus tried to keep on the path Shepard had placed him on the anger had turned that into something else entirely.

"Shepard, can you hear me?" he spoke, knowing that his voice sounded angry even now. She had tried talking him out of this every step of the way, stopping him from shooting Harkin and even talking to him in the skycar. He could feel the slight inkling that he was letting her down, but he had to do this, he had to give his team justice in some way.

"Loud and clear." Her voice echoed in his ear, she walked with a slight slouch in her shoulders and he watched her, moving effortlessly in between people, like a ghost. He moved the scope across the room, looking at all the people until he stopped. There he was. Garrus felt his entire body tense as he focused on the man that cost so many lives.

"Alright. There he is..." Garrus felt himself weaver then, "Wave him over and keep him talking." he added with a frown, he could end it over now and probably get caught. Each second that Sidonis got closer to his Shepard...not his...he felt a tremor through his hand. This was too much, what was he going to do? What should he do? His eyes moved between the Turian and Shepard. Whatever she had planned would come out now, he knew that much, she always had something up her sleeve.

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