1.9:tales of forever

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This one is a bit childish, but I enjoyed writing it, I hope you enjoy as well...

Heed my friend, listen to the tales of those who occupy planet earth, you have herd about their miraculous missions , their fatal falieurs , but now it is time to discover the Inner them.some are like the sunlight, multiple thin rays if untouchable gold. Others are like the night, they might seem dark and mysterious, but actually are very bright with their lovely moon and it's wondrous stars. They are soothing and always calm you down, and their presence is extremely enjoyable. There are the fungi, their only purpose is to decay others, yet really rotten on their own. Some seem to be descendents of mosquitos , pestering and annoying , only leave you once they suck all their needs from you. Then comes the book, everything g is present in them, always take you to undiscovered depths of yourself, and tell you stuff amazingly relatable, they know very well how to keep a secret, and I hope you do too. For I told you about my treasure, and the most dispiseable tokens

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