The Round Begins

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Third Person P.O.V

Sky let his cape flow behind him as he strutted to the Round Table. One seeker was to be selected for the first round.

He studied the members at the table. Max, Idrys, Ross, John, Tyler, Shelby, and Jin.
He raised a finger, and pointed at who he wanted.

Tyler Christie.

"Aphmau, the seeker has been chosen." he boomed, and Aphmau nodded. She chanted her ritual, and the round began.

The hiders darted into the forest.

Ross's P.O.V

I ran as fast as I could into the forest. Grass crunched under my feet, and the trees swayed in the light breeze.

I spotted a tall oak tree. I rubbed the rough skin, and slowly climbed up the tree.

I settled on a branch, and lay there. The sky was turning from a blue to a grey. This meant the seeker was released.

I heard the faint footsteps of someone. My body stiffened, and I held my breath.

"Someone up there?" a voice asked. It was Max. "Max, I'm up here." I whispered. He climbed up, and rested on my branch. It was strong enough to carry us both.

"Tyler is searching somewhere distant. We should be safe." Max told me. I nodded.

"Aphmau barely gave us time," I said. "Sky chose the worst possible seeker. You know why," Max snickered. I let out a small laugh.

He plucked a mushroom from the bark of the tree, and studied it. He threw it, and I heard a soft "Ow!"

My eyes went wide. "Oh, somebody has to be here." I heard Tyler say. Max practically turned into stone.

I spotted Tyler running around the forest floor, checking under rocks and behind trees. "He's here!" I mouthed to Max. "We have to seperate," he mouthed. He carefully climbed up and rested on a branch. He then covered himself up in leaves.

I cautiously climbed to the top, and got an overview of the forest. The crystal caverns and the waterfall were not very far. I could make it there in minutes.

I looked down, and saw Tyler studying the tree I was on. A big gust of wind hit me. The amount of noise made by the trees was perfect enough to cover up my footsteps on the tops of the trees.

I made a run for it.

Running on branches was not easy. Every few seconds, my foot would slip through the cracks. But eventually, I escaped the forest and was running on a grassy plain.

The waterfall was just in my reach. I made it to the caverns and found John hiding behind a giant boulder.

"I thought you were Tyler!" he said, bewildered. "Nope. I just barely got caught." I said. "Well, scram! This is my hiding spot!" John commanded.

"Okay, Jesus! You don't have to be so mean," I muttered, and left John where he was.

The sun heaved on my shoulders like sandbags. I dragged my feet to the waterfall and gulped down water.

Might as well take a swim, I thought. I removed my shirt, and dipped in. The cool water seeped into my pores. I felt so relaxed.

An idea sprung into my head. There was a possibility that a secret room could be behind the waterfall. I swam to where water cascaded down from atop the mountain, and stepped through.

I looked around in awe as I saw a cove full of glistening crystals. The rock that roofed over my head was full of wealth.

I swam around in the shallow pool of water. I never thought I'd be so calm during a game where I could die.


Shelby's P.O.V

I found my perfect hiding spot. I was so confident that Tyler would never find me.

In the deepest part of the forest, there was a lake. No, I didn't hide in the lake. I hid in a rabbit hole nearby.

Very quietly, I sat. Nothing happened. The occasional rustling of bushes, the noise of insects, and the rippling of water were the only things I heard.

Then, I grew bored of my hiding spot. I climbed out of the hole, and walked around.

I gazed upon the giant willow tree in the center of the forest. There was an odd looking branch that rested on a low part of the tree. Very curiously, I pulled it.

I felt the ground shake, and then a crack formed in the dirt. A staircase spiraled out in front of me. I was scared.

But I went down the stairs. The crack mended back together when I reached the last step.

It was a secret chamber. Several tunnels had paths to different locations.

I heard someone running through a tunnel. I darted behind a nearby box.

Jin emerged from a tunnel. I got out of hiding. He jumped.

"Shelby, where are we?" he asked breathlessly. "Underneath the center of the forest," I said. "I wish I had a map," he said, "but there's no time to chat. We have to run." he said.

"Why?" I asked. "Tyler is following me. He knows he's following a hider." Jin said. I gasped. "Which path should we take?" I asked. "Which one did you come from?" Jin asked.

"A staircase from above ground led me here," I replied. He pointed to a random tunnel. "Let's go through that one," he said, and we ran.

The tunnel stopped. There were two directions to go in. "Let's split up. I'll go this way, you go that way." he said, and we parted ways.

As I walked, I stopped in my tracks. There was breathing behind me. I turned around slowly, and saw Tyler.

"Found you." he said. I screamed.

When he touched me, I teleported to the Round Table. Sky and Aphmau were sitting. "What fate shall she have?" Sky asked Tyler.

"Survival. But, keep her in The Box until the round ends." Tyler smirked.

I gasped. The Box was a form of torture that was so painful, you could never forget it.

"The Box it is," Sky said, and dragged me to the room that was The Box. He shoved me in there, and slammed the door shut.


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