Discovering Melanie's True Past

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Max's POV

"But who?" Aphmau asked.

"Melanie-" Jin said, but stopped.

Aphmau went bug-eyed. "MELANIE?!" she shrieked. She looked around. I saw nothing but a  true look of horror on her face.

"Snakes! Scout every inch of the map this instant!" Aphmau commanded. Dozens of silver snakes slithered into the teleportation machine.

"Where did you find her?" Aphmau asked. "As we were hiding in the first round, Lady Aphmau." Jin said.

"So, you discovered her? You're very lucky you survived," Aphmau muttered.

"Lady Aphmau, who is she?" I asked. "Yeah, who is this Melanie girl?" Idrys added.


"Long ago, the first time any players had tried my game, I selected Ty, Rosanna, Quentin, Jerome, Melanie, and Corey to play.

The games all worked out perfectly, but I noticed Melanie was a bit odd. When she was the seeker and she found players, she forced upon them undeniably painful torture.

Sky was forced to do the bidding of Melanie. He had absolutely no control over what the players could choose for their fellow players.

At the end of the tenth round, Michael was announced as the winner. At this point, Melanie had lost it.

She began shrieking and screaming like a lunatic. "It's not fair!" she screamed, and tore her dress. Her hair was a disaster.

She began to murder all of the players brutally, beginning with Michael. She killed them with a dagger she had.

Sky and I could do nothing to save the poor players. We managed to grab hold of Melanie after she killed the last person, Lizzie.

We decided to lock her up in the strongest cell that could hold humans. But it was not strong enough to hold her."

~end of flashback~

I was mortified. "That story was....something....." I murmured.

Just then, the snakes came back with Melanie tight in their grips. She squirmed and kicked, but the snakes only tightened.

"Let me go! Let me go!" she shrieked.

"So, Melanie, we meet once more." Aphmau said. "You cold-blooded killer!" Melanie screamed.

"You're the killer here, Melanie." Jin said, stepping forward.

What is he doing? Trying to get killed? I thought.

"YOU! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO TOLD APHMAU!" Melanie screamed.

Oh my Irene, she does a lot of screaming. I thought

"I am. What are you gonna do about it?" Jin asked, teasing her.

"Why, I'm gonna rip your fuc-" Melanie growled, but a snake tightened around her neck, causing her to stop.

"Enough is enough. You've done enough, Melanie. It's time for your execution." Aphmau said.

"Execution?" Ross asked, concerned.

"Yes, Ross, execution. She's slaughtered many. She must pay the price." Sky said.

"But we should give her a second chance-" "No Ross, it's decided." Sky interrupted sternly.

Ross hung his head. He didn't like when Sky talked to him like that.

"To the Gallows," Aphmau commanded. The snakes slithered away, Melanie in their grips.

We were teleported to the Gallows.
Melanie screamed and screeched, but we all knew it would not help her.


Aphmau placed Melanie on the board where she would jump and hang.

Aphmau stepped down and stood next to Sky. A member of the Powerful Three, Mark (MARKIMOO!), stepped into the room to sentence Melanie to her death.

"Melanie Herrera, I hereby declare you a death sentence. Jump at once." Mark bellowed. Melanie had tears rolling down her face.

"I don't want to!" she screamed. "Melanie," Mark said firmly.
"I DON'T WANT TO!" she screamed louder.

Mark climbed up the board and pushed Melanie. Everyone looked away.

We heard her quick scream, then silence. Aphmau walked to her hanging body, and took the rope from her neck.

"We must dispose of her," she said. Mark took her body and went off.

The Order Of The Seekers (AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن