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|| Ryan ||

My name is Ryan Santiago, and I am 18 years old. I have lived in Houston, Texas my entire life and have a thick southern accent. Now you would think, "oh she is an average 18 year old girl who lost her parents and is probably going to fall into depression," but the difference is that I'm no average teenage girl. I'm a hybrid. Half Guardian Witch, half animal-shifter. (Animal-shifter: can shift into any animal.) Guardian Witches have a major roll in the supernatural world. They help keep the balance and creatures in order. My grandma was the most powerful Guardian Witch in the whole universe. Eldridge Swan kept the balance at still for 110 years, then my mother was born and the powers were passed down to her. My grandma stayed alive for another 30 years and taught my mom all about witchery and her powers and roll in the supernatural world. My mother received the Guardian gene and lived with my grandma. My father was a full blooded animal-shifter when he imprinted on her. Then my mother was branded with his name on her right wrist. I have an imprint brand, which means that when I imprint, I will then be branded with that person's name. My mother and father didn't have a happy fairy tale life because guardian witches and animal-shifters weren't supposed to get together. So when the Volturi found out, my parents immediately had to go into hiding. They moved to Texas, then two years into hiding they had me and the Volturi stopped looking as hard. So for the past 18 years they taught me what I needed to know and we were always a careful family. Then my mom and dad went on a small trip to Arkansas to get my mom more herbs for her potions and they were spotted. Members of the Volturi had been there for a reason and spotted them and immediately killed them not knowing about me. When I found out they were dead, I had to lie about the car crash just so it sounded normal.

Our job is to keep the balance and make sure nobody steps out of line. This includes vampires. Now I know that most of you probably thought that was the job of the Volturi, but we are the ones who keep the Volturi, in line. Most Guardians are linked to someone (most likely a lover) who they keep safe. Most Guardians link to the people they marry, but since I'm half shifter, I also imprint. So my link is with my cousin Bella, which means that I'll do anything to protect her when I can. When a Guardian is linked to someone, they get branded. (Pick up top)

We were very close growing up, but I had to be very careful of myself so I didn't hurt her or expose myself. I struggled for a long time with controlling my powers and shifting. Once I got them under control, my uncle Charlie and aunt Renee got a divorce. My aunt packed Bella up and moved her to Phoenix, Arizona. Since she lived far away, we drifted apart.

Now I get to be a part of her life and I'm really happy about it. Yes, I miss my parents like crazy, but it provides a nice distraction. Its been four weeks since the funeral and the house is all packed up and ready to be sold. If I said I wouldn't miss it, then I'd be lying. I'm really going to miss Texas. I didn't have many friends because I was still paranoid about hurting people. Now I'm on a plane that's about to land in Seattle where Bella and he boyfriend are picking me up. During part of the time that Charlie and Bella were here to help with the funeral and packing the house Charlie ranted on and on to me about Edward Cullen, Bella's boyfriend, while Bella was asleep. From them meeting, to Bella going to the hospital, to Edward spontaneously leaving and Bella going into a depression, to them showing back up and Bella being better, to now. From everything he told me, to the picture of them from prom, I immediately knew he was a vampire, but the golden eyes calmed me down. The plane landing snapped me out of my thoughts and I took my headphones off. Looking out the window, I noticed that the grey clouds made it dark and it was also raining. I put my phone in my small backpack which also held my laptop and magic books which were disguised as old novels. Normally it all wouldn't fit, but magic comes in handy. 

      Getting off the plane, I took in my surroundings seeing people hugging, crying, kissing, etc. It kinda grossed me out. I was never one for affection, but it worsened loosing my parents. I took a deep breath and immediately caught Bella's scent. I looked around until I caught sight of the familiar brunet hair. She was stand next to Mr. Tall, Pale, and Creepy which is the nick name I gave Bella's boyfriend Edward because it seemed to fit. He's tall with white, pale skin and looks broody and lean, not much muscle, butt I new how strong vampires are. Snapping out of my thoughts, I made my way towards Bella and her Vampire hoping everything goes well. 


Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating on this story. When I first started it I had a few chapters written on paper to transfer to Wattpad, but I lost them, so now I'm going off of what I remember (which isn't much) so I'm going too try and update, but in the mean time I will have a different Jasper Hale fanfiction uploaded soon. Thanks for all the support!!! By!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2017 ⏰

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