Crazy and love

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Ezra runs to me so fast I can hardly say 'no'. I had a whole plan to make this night special but once he kisses me I just let go. When I was with max he never made me feel they way Ezra does. The way he kisses me is even different. When I come back to earth I'm pushed up against the wall. I run my finger nails up Ezra's back and he groans in response. I smile against his lips.
"Say it!" He says still kissing me.
"Say what?" He pulls away and lifts me off the ground and starts to carry me to his bedroom.
"That your beautiful." I shake my head as he sets me down I front of his floor length mirror. "Say it angle!" I turn to face away but he turns me back and places his hands on my waist.
"Your beautiful, dammit say it." He kisses my shoulder and starts to take off my clothes. Ezra yanks my lace tank top off and kisses me harder on the lips. A soft moan escapes for me when his fingers start to roam further down. When they reach their destination I roll my head back onto his shoulder and close my eyes. "Say it or I stop." I can hear his smile and I'm forced to opens eyes. I don't want him to stop but I also need to do this. I stand straight up and he moves his fingers out of me. Our gaze meets in the mirror and i look at myself. Half naked with a gorgeous man behind me. It's time that I start to move forward and not be caught in max's shadow.
"I'm....... Beautiful!" Ezra smiles huge and whips me around and kisses me hard as he pushes me onto the bed.
"I love you Samantha." I look up into Ezra's eyes and I smile big. I kiss him back and because I've already made one huge step tonight I mine as we make another one. I know now that Ezra won't hurt me, won't judge me, and will always love me. I pull back from him and cup his face in my hand. I look into his cloudy, lovable, grey eyes and smile.
" I love you too Ezra." He sits straight up and kisses me like never before. FINALLY!


I wake up a few hours later and I glance at the clock. It's 1:30, I roll over in Ezra's arms and my eyes widen at the sight before me. I scream loudly and ezra jolts awake.
"Baby, what's wrong?" I open my eyes again and what I saw is not there.
"I.... Max.... Window!" I try to get out what I'm trying to say but I'm too scared. Ezra cups my face and try's to calm me down.
"Sweetheart calm down it was just a bad dream." I shake my head and tears form in my eyes.
"No Ezra I was awake...... I know what I saw!" He let's me go and goes to the window. "No Ezra don't." I try to pull him back but he goes to the window and opens it. A deep feeling fear cones over me as he looks outside.
"See nothing's there." As he comes back to the bed I sit there still scared. Max was there and watching us sleep." Hey nothing is there I got you." He lays down and pulls me with him. I snuggle up to Ezra and keep thinking about what I saw. A little while later I drift off to sleep.


"Okay so we have to plan another function so we can let the share holders know you'll be taking over the company." My father says as I write down notes.
"Okay I'll figure something out." I say about to leave.
"Oh yeah honey, do what you want to do with the ball it is for you anyway." I smile brightly knowing exactly what I want to do. I walk out and I sit at my desk as my phone first off.
"Samantha lee how may I help you?"
"Hey Sam can you do something got me?" It's Ethan, and my day immediately brightens.
"Of course what's up?"
"Well tonight I'm bringing home my new boy toy and I was wondering if you and Ezra could come over to meet him?" OHHH MYYY GOOODDD!!
"Ethan why didn't you tell me you got a boyfriend?" I hear him laugh on the other end and I join in.
"Because he's like more on the formal side and I'm like this flamboyant thing, basically I need you to help me." I smile  warmly as I hear him begging.
"Of course I'll help you Ethan and Ezra will be there too." I say as he turns the corner as I say his name. He bends down to me and kisses my cheek and site on my desk next to me.
"Oh thank you Sam thank you thank you.!" I hear him jumping up and down and I hang up.
"We are having dinner with Ethan and his new boyfriend tonight, so I hope your ready." He smiles and leans down.
"Your cooking this time right?" He recalls the last time we all ate together and Ethan wanted to cook for us, yeah that didn't turn out well.
"Yes my love." I kiss him and we pull apart as one of the temp walks by.
"How are you?" I give Ezra a weird look and ask 'what that ment' "I mean ever since last night you been kind of jumpy."
"Oh yeah I'm fine." I can't tell him that I'm still scared to death. I know what I saw and max was standing there at Ezra's window.
"yeah okay, so what you you doing?" He asks smiling.
"Planing my ball, my father wants me to plan one to let the share holders and people know in the new CEO."


"Okay does this look alright, Ezra can you help me with these." I look at a panicking Ethan as he gets his cuff links fixed. Part of me wants to argue why he's changing so much for this dude. Yes, I'm changing for Ezra but I'm changing as in growing. Although I just keep my mouth shut and cook. If I see one thing wrong with this dude tonight I'll snap just like I used too.
"Okay you kids have fun and don't take things to the extreme!" My mom says kissing all of us goodbye. I smile as my parents leaves and Ethan comes to me, with his makeup.
"Sit down honey." I giggle and start I. His beautiful face.
"Go light.... Please." I nod and look to Ezra who's stirring the sauce. He's worried too that Ethan might be doing too much, I can tell. The doorbell rings and Ethan screams.
"Hey, we got you boo!" I kiss Ethan softly and go to open the door. But I'm stopped by Ezra before I reach it. He spins me around and kisses me.
"You can only kiss Ethan and me." He laughs and I join in as I open the door.
"Oh you must be Sam, hey I'm rick." The guy staining in front of me is outstanding. Light skinnded, tall, muscular but not too much, and big brown eyes.
"Yeah that's me, Please come in." I feel a rush of cold air as rick passes me to a waiting Ethan. I look outside and see if I can spot anything. I don't and I walk back inside and find Ezra watching me. I shrug and hug him.
"This is going to be an interesting night." Ezra says wrapping an arm around me as he watches the show play out in front of him. I look and Ethan is pulling out a chair for rick. UMM NO, other way around sweetheart!

"So rick tell me about yourself." Ezra asks. Dinner has been really quiet because I've kept my mouth shut. Ethan wasn't kidding when he said his new toy was very formal. He didn't even seem gay. Wait hold up!
"So are you two like a thing or is this one of those hush hush things." I say clasping my fingers together.
"Sam?" Ezra asks but I don't listen to him as I stare down rick. He's closeted, Ethan is out and proud. If Ethan wants to be with rick he will not be kept a secret. I bet that's exactly what pretty bit wanted. Well not with me around honey. You eaither wear my best friend loud and proud or you return him back to the store!
"Well me and rick-" I cut Ethan off.
"I know what your gonna say sweetie but I was asking rick here." I say pointing to him. He looks at Ezra them to Ethan then finally me.
"I mean Ethan and I are good friends... That's all." Ethan's mouth drops open and he slumps back in the chair.
"Yeah okay, friends my ass your not going to be leading my best friend on, so I'll ask you nicely..... Please grab your stuff and go." I say standing up and pointing at the door. I look up at the window and there he is.
"Max?" The last thing I see is blackness.

My dad's BestfriendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin