The end (for now)

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The seventy two hours is up and I can't wait any longer. I haven't left this room for almost three days. Not that I care, I'm not going to have Ezra wake up and me not be here. That's the last thing I need. I need to see his beautiful grey eyes again. I need him to wake up. I hear a knock on the door and my dad and Ethan come in.

"I told you tony she wasn't going to leave him." Ethan says looking at me.

"Well she's going to." I roll my eyes and look back at Ezra.

"You guys do realize I'm right here, right?" I can tele than is shaking his head and my dad is rolling his eyes too. Now I know where I get that from.

"Sam you have to come home and you have to take care of yourself." My dad says taking my hand in his.

"Dad I need to be here with him."

"Samantha you're not going to be any good to him he wakes up and you go to move and pass out because you haven't eaten in three days." I look at Ethan and laugh.

"Like I couldn't afford going a few days without food." Ezra's heart monitor starts to go up and I know what that means. "Okay alright, I'll eat but I'm not leaving here." His heart monitor goes down and my dad starts to talk.

"Sam weather you like it or not you're coming home and sleeping for a few hours you need it." I shake my head and Ethan pulls me out of the chair and stands me up.

"If you don't get your ass into that car and go home ill drag you there by your wrist." Damn Ethan hasn't gotten this serious in a while. I smile and hug them both.

"Please Sam?" my dad asks and I nod my head. I guess he will be fine for a few hours. I make Ethan and my dad leave as I say goodbye to Ezra.

"I'll be back as fast as I can okay, I love you Ezra Maxwell." For a minute I let myself believe that he was just smiling. I kiss his lips and head out with my dad and Ethan.

            I didn't even make it home before I was asleep. But I don't wake fully because I can hear my dad and Ethan talking about me.

"What do you think is going to happen if Ezra doesn't wake up?" Ethan asks as my dad turns.

"I don't want to think about that really, I know Sam will be a wreck and not okay for a very long time." Ethan agrees.

"Yeah, I know when she first met Ezra I could tell that she liked him, I didn't really think anything major would happen... not that I didn't but I could tell from that first night they had something special." I smile and continue to listen.

"I knew something was going on between them even before they told me, I mean I own the company and I watch the security footage every day and I saw them kissing in the elevator." Oh god dad!

"Ha, really well trust me sir... Ezra is an old fashioned kind of guy he'll always put Sam first." I nod in agreement but continue to stay asleep.    

"I know that's why I need him to wake up not just for his folk's sake but for hers as well, I mean you help her a lot but she needs someone like Ezra someone to push her more and move forward with in life, and the age thing really never bothered me. Sam's a big girl she can take care of herself." I can tell he feels bad for what he said.

"What's wrong tony?"

"I guess that's the kind of thinking I did when she was with Max, I wish I would've figured THAT out sooner, I could have done something." Oh my god no dad!

"Sir, with all due respect no one could do anything it was up to Sam to leave and it was hard for her but in the end she finally did it and now it's over, literally." Ethan clarifies and I start to open my eyes as we park in the driveway.

"Yes, I guess it is over."


            I'm back in the hospital room with Ezra and he's still asleep. His whole family is here and so is mine. I can't tell if he's trying to do anything anymore. He hasn't twitched or even tried to talk. There's a knock on the door and the nurse comes in.

"I'm sorry but visiting hours are over, everyone but one needs to leave." The nurse says and everyone starts to leave. I look at my parents and everyone walks out of the room. I follow them out and we all say goodbye.

"Are you going to be okay?" I nod my head as Ezra's dad hugs me tightly. I sigh when he lets me go and his mom kisses my cheek. I feel so much better now that his mother is okay with me. Before she was just hatful, some parts of me think that she only forgave me now was because her sons in the hospital. But either way I'll take it, not just for Ezra's sake but for mine and the family. I smile as his family leaves and as mine come up to me.

"You sure you don't want me to stay?" Ethan asks hugging me. I nod in response and breathe in his sent. That always comforts me.... right now I need all the comfort I can get.

"Okay, good night then best friend." He kisses me softly and goes to wait by the doors.

"Hey." My mom says coming to me.

"Hey?" I smile and he holds my shoulders.

"Take care of yourself and don't worry too much."

"I will try not to." I start to shake thinking about things all over again.

"I'm so proud of you.... I really am, I just wish you didn't have to deal with all that," her voice starts to crack and tears start to flow down her porcelain cheeks. "I'm your mother I should have protected you better... should have saw the bruises that bastard left on you." I stop her with a hug and my dad hugs us both.

"There was nothing you guys could have done to help me.... I needed to do it on my own, and eventually I did." I give them a weak smile and they take it.

"I feel like now that Max is gone and that Ezra is going to get better..... Everything will be fine." My dad says calmly smiling at me and my mother.

"Yes everything will be fine." My mom chimes in and I look at them both and just stand in awe. I want what they have. I want that with Ezra, now it might not be possible. I smile away from them as they all leave and turn back to go into Ezra's room. I open the door and head over to his bed.

"Well, we are all alone," I look at his sleeping body and tears fill in my eyes. "You know your dad gave me the letter, I read it and I almost lost it," tears are pouring now and I can't hold it back.

"You kept me alive I hope you know that, you and Ethan both gave me a purpose for living again.... After max and after I broke it off with him and met you I knew things were going to get better." I sit on his bed next to him and hold his hand.

"You're my everything Ezra and I need you to wake up.... I need you to open those beautiful grey eyes so I can fall in love all over again." I see his eyes twitch again and he grips my hand. "That's right baby come on open them eyes, talk to me.... please." As soon as those last few words play out his grip on my hand lightens and his eyes stop twitching. I slump my shoulders and ball my eyes out onto his chest.

"I LOVE YOU!" I say softly. I sit up and walk to the door I need to get some air. Prepare myself for what might happen. I don't want it to happen, no one does. I'm nothing without Ezra!

"I love you more than life itself and I don't know what's going to happen but I will be by your side no matter what happens to you." I go to open the door and I'm stopped by something I don't know what but something's telling me to stop. I look up and back at the bed.

"I love you too, sweetheart."

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