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Fate Serum

Dear Jackson,

I want you to know how grateful I am for all your help for the past few years. I may have been defeated, but the future of EQUITAS will not. In my years of hiding out, I have spent immense effort researching and searching, and the end product- something that will change the world, the fate serum. A sample of it is in the trunk you found this letter in, and attached is the recipe on how to recreate it. It is indeed my proudest invention, but there is something missing from it. And that, my friend, is what I need your help on.

The fate serum allows you to control fate. After today, contact John. He will link you up to all the hospitals. Grab a few of your trusted men, and set up bases at every hospital. Inject the fate serum into babies. The expiration generator will assign a random date where they die, and the fate generator will cast them a cause of death. tattoo the dates on these babies, and monitor them. Mark my word- they'll die when their date, or as I'd like to call it, expiration, is up.

There's just a tiny problem though. I've run many tests on the fate serum, and certain people seem to be immune towards the alconophine inside that triggers their death. Your task is to study these people, and improve the fate serum. When the fate serum is completed, EQUITAS will finally rule the world.

The fate of the world is now in your hands. It's time for EQUITAS to rise.

Best wishes,



10 07 1993

"Jake. Remember what I told you."

"Grandpa.. Can't it wait? She's only 5.."

Their hushed voices filtered through the gap of the door. She peered through the crack, taking in her brother's back view.

"She has to start young. She's going to be head huntress when she hits 16. Just take her to the hospital, finish this mission, and get her back. She doesn't have to do anything else. Just make sure she gives the injection."

Jake's brows creased as he paced around, unable to come out with a response to that. He already knew the outcome- when his grandfather, Jackson, set his mind on something, no one would ever be able to change it. But going on a injecting mission isn't really something he wanted his 5 year old sister to see.

"The birth is about to happen. Prepare, and leave soon." A tone of finality perpetuated his voice, and Jake knew it was an argument he had lost. He hated how his grandfather dictated what he had to do, but he knew that he had no choice.

She scampered off to her little telescope as he advanced towards the door. Half heartedly adjusting the lenses, her heart pulsated with wonder and curiosity of what was going to come.

"Jadey, come over here. I'll take you somewhere." She knew it. They were going to do something. But what?


They ended up pulling up outside a towering, gray building. She looked up at its lackluster appearance- the cemented walls, angular shapes, and sealed windows which ominous light filtered through. Jake led her up to its front, a highly encrypted door, and unlocked one after another door, each one creaking with great force as the passwords were keyed. Tightening her hold on the doll in her hand, she took each step with fear and excitement.

The final door opened, the ground vibrating as the doors slid open.

It was a lab. All over the gray room machines were in work, tubes connecting liquids of various, syntactic colours. The faint dripping sound of liquids could be heard, and somewhere, a machine was whirling. A huge logo was imprinted on the wall of the lab- she had seen it somewhere before, and it had always intrigued her. It was a big, shaded hourglass, with a syringe on one side, and a bow fitting in the curves of the hourglass perfectly on the other. Below it, in bold, impact font, read the letters: EQUITAS.

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