Chapter 10

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"She's still avoiding me, isn't she"? Justin asked. It was a few hours later and he was at Starbucks with Erik and Jen. Alessa was nowhere in sight.

"Don't look at me," Jen countered, curious as to how the guys would spin the reason why two of her friends were suddenly not on speaking terms. Alessa, for some reason, felt the need to avoid running into Justin while trying to sort out her feelings. "You're the one who accused her of not being over Rafa."

He groaned in disbelief. "She told you about that?"

"Hey, the lady needed to vent," she defended her friend. "And don't act all innocent when I know you guys have discussed it as well." Jen poked a finger through the guys' chests to prove her point.

"Jennifer, it's just a little misunderstanding between friends." Erik quickly covered for Justin.

Jen looked unconvinced. "Whatever. Just patch things up, please? I know she may have said some crazy stuff but she was merely looking out for your welfare." She hesitated a bit before confirming Alessa was in the vicinity. "If you must know, she's probably at the bookstore."

Relief washed over Justin's face that he hugged Jen out of gratitude. "Thank you," he said.

It was easy to spot her from a distance.

As he scanned the area of her favorite bookstore, Justin saw Alessa fully engrossed reading some book that he managed to approach her without getting noticed.

"Expecting someone?" he asked, as he quietly stood beside her.

She looked startled to see him and hurriedly slammed the book shut. "What are you doing here?" she asked, her expression betraying a hint of embarrassment and slight annoyance.

"I came to see you," he replied. "Jen told me I'd find you here."

"Look," she started. "If this was about that night, please forget what I said. I never should have overstepped my boundaries."

"Les, please..." he pleaded, reaching for her hand as he led her to a secluded section of the bookstore so they can talk privately. "I know you were merely looking out for me. And I'm sorry if I was too proud to acknowledge that I needed your help."

She suddenly felt butterflies in her stomach, a reaction that never happened when they were in each other's presence. Her expression softened. "Hey, it's okay. You needed to be free of her, Jus. And I had my own reasons for wanting to help you out."

He cleared his throat. "Does the offer still stand?"


"About us," he emphasized. "You said we had to let Daniela believe we were indeed a couple."

Alessa looked flustered. "I don't know," she faintly replied. "Why are you suddenly on-board with this?"

He reached for her hand as they walked towards the bookstore's exit. "I'm done running away from the past."

"By being stuck in a pretend relationship?" she questioned.

"Who said anything about pretending?" he countered, halting their walk around the mall's premises.

"Uggghhh, you're deflecting my questions again!" she half-amusingly, playfully thwacked his shoulder. "I'm serious!"

"I like you," he said in reply. Justin's declaration caught Alessa off-guard she practically froze in her place. "I don't know how it happened but yes, I am falling for you Alessandra."

A flurry of thoughts swirled in her head and everything became a blur. Alessa felt her knees wobble but Justin was quick on his feet to scoop her up. It was then he noticed the tears in her eyes.

"You're crying," he whispered. "I never meant to – "

"Is this how you sweep ladies off their feet?" Alessa was laughing in spite of her emotional outburst.

"Did it work?"

"Yes," she affirmed. "How can it not when you caught me off-guard!"

"I have my ways," he joked, earning him a playful pinch to the side from Alessa.

He felt relieved. Things were starting to fall into place between the two of them. Yes, it was a whirlwind thing – but he was happy. "Let's give this a try," he held her hand again. "I can't promise I'll be perfect, but we'll make this work."

"Yes," she said to him. "We can make this work."

He ran a hand at the back of her neck and leaned forward to seal his mouth over hers. When their lips parted, they both had that glow of contentment plastered on their faces.

They'd worry about telling their friends and family about them tomorrow. Right now, the only thing that mattered to Justin Rosaceña was spending it with the girl who made him believe in love again.

== THE END ==

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