Chapter 12

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'Could this day get any worse?' "Great the kids are together, they'll go all Romeo and Juliet on us Negan. How do you think Rick is going to handle this?" Oh my gosh I forgot about Rick he's probably worried about Carl 'snap out of it he'll be fine' I thought he's a tough kid but I still will worry the people here aren't like his all. "He already knows he told me before we left" "How could you possibly be okay with this Negan?!" Dwight stared down Carl and I, he does have a point though dad hasn't said anything good or bad about my relationship I don't know if he will talk to Carl privately or us all together.

Later on after that awkward moment I showed Carl our many many hallways, some of the men gave us looks and others just ignore it. "Aren't you scared Y/N?" Carl asked me we were in the more private area of the hallways "Hell yeah I am you heard Dwight you saw what  my dad did to your dad, the moment I actually talked to you, I'm fucking terrified. What is my dad going to do he hasn't said anything about our relationship at all, to us that is."

There was once a time where a fathers daughter would find a boyfriend or girlfriend, the father would become protective and ask he or she questions but we don't live in that time anymore, someone either died or gets their feelings hurt for being in love with someone, here you get the iron but I as daughter Carl as the boyfriend  he can't do that to him, but that does not mean he won't do something to him. We continued our walk down the hallways Carl knew I was nervous he held my hand tighter, "Open your eyes kids before you get hurt, love is a waste of time." One man said to us all of the men know me but I don't know them all I only know Dwight and Simon don't favor either of them, well Dwight I once did.

"And that's the grand tour I guess you could say" we finished our walk and I heard my dad yell that he was taking Carl back I hugged him and kissed him telling him goodbye. I was walking to my room and came across Dwight "Kid can I talk to you?" His tone of voice was different it wasn't harsh like it normally was "Good or bad?" I said bluntly scowling at him "We will see" we walked into my room I feeling nervous this never happened a conversation with him one on one, "Why do we hate each other?" Dwight said "Why do we hate each other?" I said back. Dwight nodded "I'm being serious, why do we hate each other don't you ever think about that?" Sure I would think about it but I never thought about it enough but this time I did every detail of the past what had happened and what had changed.

"Why are we now having this conversation? Did Negan put you up to this?" When I say dads name I'm being serious and demand answers but why just now? Why couldn't this have happened before my life got even more chaotic and by that I mean my dad could possibly kill Carl and he will take all their weapons while I sit their worrying about them, and now this. "No I just.. really wanna know what happened.. why it happened, what caused it to happen." Dwight sighed. "What happened was you gave into him why it happened was to keep Sherry safe she will always be your wife Dwight don't let that bastard tell you she's not. And what caused this was dad, you're all scared so you let that fear control you and let him too, don't." I left the room and continued my way around the place and decided to wait up on my dad, please don't hurt him..please

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