Chapter 13

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Dad was back he seemed in an okay mood he looked as if he were in an okay mood. The men bowed down when he walked in front of them they no longer had freedom anymore. I watched from above as he spoke to his men "When we return to their precious Alexandria we will be taking their guns and if they don't have enough, well, you guy will know what to do." He gave an evil looking smile then he looked up and spotted me and looked at me with a gentle smile. "Y/N your boyfriend returned home safely...for now that is." When he said that my stomach felt as if it had dropped thank god I told Rick everything he needed to know I hope everyone will be okay.

Later on that night everyone was asleep I am the only one who was awake and if I can't sleep I will wonder the halls until I get tired. I wasn't alone though eventually once I got tired I wondered back to my room but I caught before I could open my door it was Sherry, odd I have never seen her especially this late at night. "What are you doing up this later miss Y/N you should be asleep" Sherry is like a mother figure to me and dad favors her. I took a deep breathe and told her what has been going on. Every feeling. Every thought. She always found a way to comfort me and always knew the correct words.

The following morning when I woke up I remembered my conversation with Sherry. I got out of my bed and went to my bathroom to brush my teeth then there was a knock at the door "One second" "Y/N it's your dad" I hurried up and finished then went to open the door. Dad walked in looking around the room whistling. "What can I help you with?" I asked, "Let's talk"

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