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It started!
Everyone stand in your position!
Yes ma'am!
What was going on?

No one knows......

War.............the first thing that popped up in my head

War with another world?

Anime world called Inazuma eleven
My oc pov

'minna!!!'  Jeyru screamed trough the door she just came from, her boyfriend watching her eyeying her and shaking his head, Jeyru looked at him wearing a look like '' what's wrong 'bout my clothes?'' he didn't speak but turned around.
' Ne~ Tsu-san whats wrong??' Jeyru asked her boyfriend who pointed at her clothes, she was still wearing her pyjamas. " Today's pyjama day right? Or was next month??" Jeyru started to question herself.



The only thing happening is war.

They will learn!

In no time I will cast a spell!

' When their hearts belong in the good place,  love will be hate, they will fall in love with a human, that's their fate. Suddenly their heart will quicken their pace, and only one couple would make it out alive in this race.' 

That's what the mysterious girl mumbled, her aura changing around her turning black fading away in the air. 

' I will call it Game On ! '
' every anime is gonna participate?' asked a boy with short blonde hair and brown eyes.
' No Honey-san I will sent a message to the sertain animes that I want to participate in Game On but when the open the note they will be participating already.'
' Can I write it? It would be more fun when I write it.' Honey-san said with stars in his beautiful brown eyes.
' Well of course Honey-san! They would like to have a letter from you. Then they would accept it without a second thought.' the mysterious girl said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, Honey-san start to write

Dear people, I'm gonna tell you why I wrote this letter to you, I want you to participate in this game called Game On. When you opened this note you just claimed your participation in this game, the game is about war you need to survive to live and you need to fall in love. Each day you will get a test, if you did a test good you can win food. So long for this! So let the Game Begin!
Ps: Everybody who reads this or gets this letter will be participating.

' I'm done!'
' Good job now send this to everyone!?'

- And that is how madness was born-

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