Rachel, Sakura and Jeyru

73 3 90

'Fate was a mare legend'

" minna! How are you doing!" 'Jeyru Mukami Age 14 Personality stubborn clumsy serious and kindhearted she will be our next victim including her team. She is to stubborn to guess it will be 'us' she hasn't changed a bit.'
Jeyru felt a presence of an unknown person, and that person was a dangerous one.
" Jey! "
" WHAT!!?"
" you were zoning out!"
" Can't you feel it? "
" can't I feel what? Jeyru your talking nonsense!"
" No Sakura no nonsense!"
" you are mocking me right?"
" no! I'm the only one who can feel it?"
'What!? M-master she can sense our presence! What! That little brat how can she do that even though she didn't unleashed her powers!? Master look at her soul! It's glowing a bright dark color! She is ready to be taken like one of us! Yes master'
Jeyru got a headache of the presence she felt like her head was going to explode. After a few hours of having to break her brain in classes, she fell unconscious when she was walking to the cafeteria. She laid there almost the half of the lunch, until Rachel found her. Rachel and Jeyru have been friends since they were 3 years old, Rachel was like a sister to Jeyru and she still is. Rachel was the reason that Jeyru and Tsuguri were a couple, the two didn't even knew each other until a sertain day Rachel thought of getting them togheter. Well the feelings were the same for each other and Jeyru was the reason that Rachel and Hakuryuu were a couple well the same thing but they didn't get along so fast it was some fighting and arguing but eventually they convinced there love for eachother. The two bestfriends were always there for eachother in harsh times and in good times, they were send to the same school and they met a girl, the girls name was Sakura Sylvea Isaghai the three girls became good friends and did almost everything together.
" Jeyru! JEYRU MUKAMI!?"
" what..........?"
" you were unconscious!"
" sorry to worry you Rachel"
" just come and find me when you are going to fall down for an hour or 2!"
" Yes"
" were is Sakura?"
" she's here! Sakura-San!"
" Yes? Is Jeyru awake? " Rachel nodded and she pointed to Jeyru who fall asleep. Rachel shook her head and punched Jeyru making her eyes joliting open.
" OWWWWW!? "
"don't fall asleep that will make me think you died here!"
" sorry sorry!"
"Tsk Tsk stupid Jeyru" Rachel said as Sakura giggled at the sister like action of Rachel, she looked at the time and said she had to go. Lessons were going to start again but Rachel and Jeyru were going to the nurse to check what happend to Jeyru and why she was falling unconscious and falling asleep at random moments.

*Nurse office!*

"well it seems that Jeyru is having a hard time." nurse Namiko said
" EEEEEEEH~ Namiko-san what do you mean with she is having a hard time?"
" she is unleashing something but we don't know what she is unleashing, it's just like how you unleashed your powers"
" aaahhhhhhhh~ now I get it! Jeyru just stay calm and don't let anybody insult you or else! " Rachel said while shivering at the sight of how Jeyru could be when she unleashes her power
" I get it " Jeyru said as she walked to the training field with Rachel and Sakura
" Oi! We're here to train!"
Everyone nodded
" let's have a practice match!" Rachel suggested and everyone nodded again , they all stood in a straight line and Rachel putted everyone in a team. Team blue and team turquoise and of course she would be in turquoise. The result was team blue: Shinsuke, Tsuguri, Shindou, Kirino , Jeyru, Kiniko, Fei, etc and team Turquoise: Rachel, Sakura, Hakuryuu, Ibuki, Tenma, etc. They played a friendly match and team turquoise lost well not lost it was a tie between the two teams it was 2-2, they stopped there and give eachother a hand or they just collapsed on the ground to catch there breath.
" T-this is so b-breath taking!" Rachel screamed Jeyru nodded and said " pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww!? I need to go home *cough * but I cant make it in time! Rachel could you bring me please???" Rachel nodded and said "why not? Then I have a place to chill, my brother is on a business trip again and I don't want to stay all alone in my own house!" she said while swaying her hands above her head.
" well bye Minna" they both said and stepped into Rachel's limousine.

*Sakura pov*

I watched as Rachel and Jeyru disappeared in the sunset , I remembered the first day that I met Rachel and Jeyru.
'okay a good impression is all that matters, just keep calm Sakura and breath!.'
"Ow! " said an unfamiliar voice, I looked up to see a pretty blonde haired girl with red brown-like eyes.
" O-oh! Sorry are you okay? Did I hurt you? Broken something?" she asked looking if I had any injuries, then without I knowing a other girl came up running to us, she had dark blue hair that looked black and dark blue eyes.
"Rachel what did you do to her?!"
" nothing Jeyru I kinda bumped into her."
"oh yeah my name Is Rachel Love little sister of Byron Love. And that crazy person is Jeyru Mukami she is my kind of sister, nice to meet you................" I looked at her in shock she is the little sister of THE Byron Love?! The girl known to be the only one with such skills, the one who had an injury and the one who stopped with soccor and continued!?!
" Hello? Yo girl are you there?  What's your name?" Jeyru asked me
" oooh sorry my name is Sakura Sylvea Isaghai. But call me Sakura nice to meet you Rachel and Jeyru!" Rachel looked at my hand an laughed.
" no need to be formal! It ain't what you think, I'm just an average girl with a famous brother and famous uncles. "  Jeyru joined the laughing soon I joined to.

That's how I became friends with them and I don't even have doubt that they will always be my friends!

End of chapter 3

SisiLovesU as Rachel Love
Jeyru-san as Jeyru Mukami
XxFaylinexX as Sakura Sylvea Isaghai

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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