the comfort

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when you were sad, he would try to hug you as long as you needed and let you sob out your sadness into his chest, stroking your head and hushing you, whispering "we can do this" "its gonna be okay" and what nots, he would also rub circles into your back soothingly, until u fall sleep or calm down enough...


he initially didn't know what the fuck he was doing or what was going on the first time you cried.
all he knew is you were extremely unhappy, so he would bring you a blanket, tissues, tea, your favorite snack, and soft kisses. who would also (low-key) research ways and remedies on how to sooth anxiety and stuff.
ya know so he's prepared.


Would get extremely sentimental when you were sad or crying, he felt so heartbroken seeing you sad, because he felt you didn't deserve to feel like shit, but it's inevitable.
he would try to get you to talk to him about it, sit beside you pouring you a glass of wine, being your cute therapist. if it was a particular person who made you feel this way, they are already dead.

cant feel empathy, wouldnt know if you were sad, mad or ecstatic.
it wasnt just you, dont worry he never could understand or share emotions with anyone ever, that part of his life was gone before he turned 10.

(oHhhh IMMERSION because psychopaths have no empathy at all not even for their lovers)

when your sad is when victor really lightens the fuck up, (the most ooc)
he would try anything to make you smile, even tickling you, you would try to keep your sad/mad face for a while til you just explode in giggles, kicking and screeching.
he would tell you the shittiest jokes, puns, anything.

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