Don't Trust The Vampire

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Havoc had placed herself on a fancy chair at the end of the big room. She twirled a long curl of hair between her fingers and hummed thoughtfully.

"What on earth are you waiting for, you weirdo? You bring all of us here one by one and then just makes us stand here awkwardly in silence."

"I'm waiting for the audience." Havoc just answered without looking up. Damon, the so called leader of the group of vampires, the one who had previously spoken, let out an annoyed sound.

"Why the hell do you need an audience? What is this all for?" he repeats with a louder, more annoyed voice.

"Listen here, fledgling- " Havoc spoke standing up, and then patting the dust off her clothes.

"I'm not a fucking fledgling!" the vampire leader Damon spit out.

"To me you might as well be, kiddo. Look, you just stand there and look pretty and nothing bad is going to happen to you. For now." Havoc uninterestedly began tying up her hair and when she was done she tilted her head and gave Damon a smile.

"You realize we can just leave, right?"

"Then why haven't you done that yet? That's right, I'll gut all of you if you try."

Damon sat down on a chair and ran his fingers through his hair. "Why do you need an audience?"

"Did you not hear me when I introduced myself? I like chaos. And look, here my dear audience is." Havoc held out her hands towards her guest. Peter, Derek, Stiles and Scott entered the room. They all looked very confused and Stiles seemed to be in awe. Probably because of the gigantic, old fashioned manor he had just entered.

"They're yours" Havoc gestured towards the group of maybe 10 vampires and walked over to her fancy chair again where she sat down.

"We need you to leave town" Scott's voice was steady and loud as he spoke to the vampires. Havoc considered him maybe to be a good alpha there for a few seconds.

"This is why we've been waiting?" Damon, also known as Count Asshole laughed. "No way. We like it here. Lots of food."

"You mean people. Innocent people who do not deserve this." Stiles spoke. He sounded just as annoyed as Damon had done when talking to Havoc earlier.

"Whatever, we still won't leave. Why does it matter?"

Havoc thought things were getting boring, and realized that now was her time to shine so she stood up again and stretched out her arms.

"What about we have a small duel then. If you lose, you and your little fledglings take your stuff and leave town forever. If I lose you get to stay." She proposed to Damon.

"And why on earth would I risk all this on something as silly as a duel?"

"Aw, little Vampire Boy is scared he'll lose."

"I am not scared of anything, especially not you." He scowled back and then he ripped off his coat. "Let's fucking see who's the fledgling" he huffed and walked out so he was placed in the middle of the floor. Havoc smirked, loving duels, and walked out so she was standing just a few meters away from him.

"What if she loses?" Stiles muttered.

"She won't lose." Derek answered in a voice just a low.

"And if she does she's probably going to kill him anyways." Peter said with his eyes locked on the pair ready to duel.

Havoc and Damon stared at each other for a few seconds in silence, and then their faces started sinking in. Spots of their faces slowly turned greyish, and those spots grew until their whole skin was that same pale grey shade. Their faces looked sickly sunken in, and you could hear their bones crack as their bodies changed, with a dark smoke emitting from them as their feet left the ground. They floated in the air just a few inches from the ground. In sync they closed their eyes and when they opened them, Damon's eyes were dark orange and almost glowing. Havoc's on the other hand, turned a bright blood red and the whites on her eyes turned pitch black. The landed on the ground again and Havoc grinned, showing off rows of sharp and pointy teeth.

"Holy shit" Stiles gasped.

"Wait, she's a vampire too?" Scott seemed taken aback by this sudden plot-twist.

Without a warning, Damon lounged himself forward, and tried to grab a hold of Havoc but she had already moved. She looked like she was enjoying herself way too much.

The moved around for minutes, Damon sometimes trying to attack his opponent but he didn't manage to do it even once. When he began to look like he wanted to give up, Havoc made a quick movement and grasped her fingers around his neck. Their feet left the ground, and suddenly they were high up in the air, Damon trying to pry Havoc's fingers away from his neck.

"I win." She smirked, before letting go of him. He fell down to the ground, and stayed on his knees with his hands on his neck. Slowly she floated down again. She held out her hand, as if to help him up, but when he was up on his feet her hand flew forward, digging into his chest. Damon made a gurgling sound as her hand sunk deeper and deeper into his chest.

The audience, including the vampire fledglings, just stared at the scene not really knowing what to do. Havoc almost felt bad for a few seconds, but when she crushed Damon's heart in her hand and the dark smoke left his chest she just opened her mouth, and let smoke fill her. All she could think about was how she would be stronger and wouldn't have to feed as often. It had only affected her a little bit of course, but it was something.

"Now, I suggest the rest of you kids leave town as you've been told." She called out to the rest of the vampires, almost like if nothing had happened. The vampires scattered out, all of them heading for the door. Just seconds later there were only five people left in the room, and only one of them being a vampire.

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