chapter one

346 35 18

[ Nova Bio ... ]
14 Years Old
Green Eyes
Brown Pixie Haircut
- ⭐ -
Curious of the World
(Nova's P.O.V)
"Nova... Nova.. Nova wake up!"
I jolted up in my desk. Heavily breathing, i scanned the room. Good, no one saw. I looked back at my desk and skimmed through my homework.

"Hey, Nova, what's the answer to number 9?" a boy sitting next to me said.

"Uh, um," i flipped through my science notes. "How do i do this??" i thought to myself. "Thirty-four?" i said.

"Weird," he said. "The options are only bacteria and volume." he laughed. "Weirdo." he said and turned back to his paper.

I proceeded to gently slam my head on my desk. I sat there for a good ten minutes contemplating why i was still even alive. Soon, the bell rang. I gathered my stuff and went to my locker, as class was finally over.

I pulled on my backpack and ran to the bus. I met up with my friend Hannah.
[ Hannah Bio ... ]
14 Years Old
Blue Eyes



Lots of friends

Not afraid to be self



"Hey Nova, how's it going?" She said to me, not looking up from her book. 

"Eh." i replied with. "Not so well." 

"Uh-Huh," she responded, without even hearing what i said.

"Hannah?" I waved my hand in front of her face.

"Oh!- Sorry, i haven't really been into it lately."

"What's going on?"

"I don't know, maybe the weather? I've been feeling really drowsy, and it's been oddly humid or- i don't know honestly. It's just weird." She said, with a confusing look on her face.

"Nah, i get it too, it's weird.. really weird." I looked around. It felt as if i was being watched. 

"Hello? Hellooo? Can you hear me?"

Hannah snapped her fingers in front of my face. I jumped back.

"Are you okay? It's like you were hearing voices."

Was i? It sure as hell wasn't her voice that i just heard.

"I, i have to go." I scurried off to the bus. I turned back to her and she looked confused and a little mad. 

I jumped onto the bus and took a seat. I leaned back and took a deep breath. What was happening to me? Was i actually hearing voices? No, i can't be. Do i have schizophrenia? Or maybe- 

I stopped. I can't keep thinking of all the things wrong with me. I already have anxiety, that's enough for me. 

The bus engine revved up and we started moving out of the school parking lot. I lied on my backpack and started to drift. I lived someone in a rural area, so it took me around 30-45 minutes to get  back home. Right as i was about to drift,


Everything went black for a second. Moments later, i shot up in my seat and looked around. Everyone was looking around with their eyes filled with fear. The bus driver proceeded to calm everyone down. I looked out my cracked window.  Cars, 2 of them. Collided with each other, and the bus included. One on each side. It was a miracle that we were all alive and unharmed. 

My breathing was choppy. My head was pounding, and i was light headed. The bus driver began to get everyone out of the bus and were transferred to another bus and driver. We all went on. I looked out of the new window. There was an ambulance. A girl, probably my age was moved into the back of the ambulance. She wasn't moving. I don't think i new her, but i felt bad.

The bus started moving again. We were being lead by police cars being dropped off one by one at our homes.

Eventually it was left to me. The bus driver almost didnt acknowledge me. He stopped for a second at my house, and i had to quickly bolt off before her kept moving. I brushed myself off and walked inside.

"Mom?" i grabbed a drink. "Mooom?" i tip toed through the kitchen. It was silent.

"Tick tick tick tick.."

I turned toward the clock. "8 o'clock already.." i decided that she was probably out late at work, or maybe errands.

I set my clothes on the bathroom counter and undressed. "This is so weird.." i said to myself. She would have been home by now.

I stepped in the shower and the cold water trickled down my back and i stroked my hand through my hair. Something was off. I felt it.

I stepped out of the shower and dragged the towel through my hair and began to put my clothes on.

"Ring... Ring ..."

I draped the towel around me and walked into the living room, and picked up the phone.

I was pure static.


The static got louder.

The person on the other line hung up. Then all of a sudden-


It came from the shed. I threw on some clothes very quickly and pushed on my shoes. I walked outside and headed to the shed.

From the cold, i could see my breath in the wintery air.

"What the hell.." i whispered to myself as i saw a bright little light coming from the shed. Gold, and very bright.

All i could hear was static. It kept getting louder as i got closer. Louder, and louder, and louder.. I held my hand on the door of the shed. I began to open it. Louder, and louder and..


"Youre not real.."

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Chapter one

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