chapter two

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"What the hell.." i whispered to myself as i saw a bright little light coming from the shed. Gold, and very bright.

All i could hear was static. It kept getting louder as i got closer. Louder, and louder, and louder.. I held my hand on the door of the shed. I began to open it. Louder, and louder and..


"You're not real.."

~ 2 ~

I stopped in awe from who.. Or what was in front of me. Something, staring back at me. It was a man. Tall, and skinny. He was very pale and had golden eyes. The craziest part was, He was glowing.

"Come with me." He said. He outstretched his hand to me. His pale and cracked hands were very mesmerizing. The glow of his hands persuaded me. I reached out and grabbed his hand. He laced his fingers through mine and started to smile at me. I was hesitant.

"Where are you taking me..?" I asked. He didn't scare me, i felt comfort.

"Home." He simply said. I suddenly started feeling light, as me and this mysterious man started floating out the door, and towards the sky. I let go of his hand and fell to the ground.

"What the hell is happening! Are you even real?" i said, stuttering. "This is stupid. Im going inside. My mom will be worried."


I stopped for a moment, turning to him.

"How do you even know my name?"

He just stopped and looked at me, a kind and comforting grin on his face.

"Nova. Please, grab my hand. I don't want to have to do this the hard way."

"W-what hard way.." i said hesitantly. I began to jog inside. He slowly descended from the sky and his hair flowed through the wind. He closed his eyes. I kept staring at him, waiting for something. Anything to happen.

I watched him lift his hand up. He closed his eyes. And, snap.

Everything went black.

Moments later, i woke up. The man was staring over me.

"What's happening, what are you doing!" i yelled in fear.

"Calm down, Nova." he said.

"Explain what's happening. Please." i pleaded.

He just stared at me and smiled.

"Well, you're not at your house, just so you know." he said with a sound of humor in his voice.

"Huh?" i asked, clearly confused. I scanned around the room, my eyes focusing to the dark. I noticed a couple tin chairs, tin walls, and a wood floor, it seemed. I stood up and walked towards the circle window. All i could see was stars and darkness. I fell to the ground.

"Oh.. My god.. are we..-"


"Home?!" I said angrily. "This is not my home! This may be yours, you monster, but mine is on earth with my friends! And my mom!" I yelled. I could only see his glowing eyes from the darkness. 

"You belong here. With us." He said. I could still see a slight smile coming from him.

"Us?" I asked, confused.

He looked at me, and his smile widened.





i apologize for the suuuuuper short chapter. i'm not having so much motivation right now, but i wanted to get another chapter out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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