The last day

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Heeeeyyy! Sorry I haven't been posting, I've been so busy... my family was in town! Anyways let's get on with the story....

( 11:00 am at Marinette house)

Alya wakes up and nudges Marinette to wake her up. " Wake up! We're leaving today!!!" She yelled which finally he marinettes attention! Marinette was wide eyed and bushy ponytailed ( see what I did there😏😏😏) she was so excited, her and Alya went downstairs to eat breakfast. Then they decided to go out and shop and go to the park one last time before leaving for a long time. They shopped and walked for 5 hours and went back to Marinettes house. They out their new items in their suitcases and got dressed for the plane. Alya said goodbye to her family and she got into Sabines car with Marinette and they drove away to the airport. When they got their the plane was just about to board so Marinette said her goodbyes to her parents and her and Alya boarded the plane. 10 minutes after boarding the plane was getting ready to take off, " Goodbye Paris, Jé T'aime for ever and always" was the last thing Marinette said before falling asleep on her way to a new adventure...

Sorry that this is a short chapter, I am updating the other chapter in a couple of mins sooooo yeah! Hope you enjoyed!
~ Noa💙🎤🎧

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