Chapter One

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Noah's P.O.V

I sat on the couch curled up in a blanket flipping through channels on the television. Nothing seemed interesting so I finally settled on the news looking to see what the weather was going to be like tonight. I was planning on going out just to take a nice long walk to clear my mind. "Breaking news. Yet another body was found last night near Old Middleburg Road seeming to have been another victim of the person called Death. Lady's and gentlemen this is the sixth murder this month by this person. If you have any information please contact the police immediately!" The man spoke catching my attention.

I sighed knowing exactly who was responsible for those murders. Me. Of course I wasn't suspected anymore as being the person responsible for these murders since Mackenzie was nice enough to tell the police it was all a big misunderstanding. Now I was off the hook unless, for some unseen reason, I get caught. I doubt that would happen though. Pictures of the people I 'got rid of' popped up on the screen information about them being read off by the news reporter. "You really need to stop doing that." Andy said right behind me scaring me slightly.

I turned my head around to face him. "It's my way of coping." I replied rolling my eyes and turning back around. "There's other ways. You could meditate with Emily or find a good hobby like shopping or something." He said sitting down next to me now. I scooted over all the way to the other end of the couch annoyed at the moment. "Killing is my hobby." I snapped. He sighed loudly and stood up stepping right in front of me. I looked up at him furrowing my eyebrows. "Listen I know your all sad and shit about Harry, but he's not coming back and you need to learn that sooner or later." He said and I felt like a child being scolded by her father.

"I know he's not coming back you don't have to remind me!" I yelled standing up and pushing him out of my way. I stomped into my room slamming the door for emphasis. I laid down on my bed staring up at the ceiling. I wanted to cry, but I didn't. I rolled over staring at my reflection in the mirror. I looked worse than a dead person. I got even more pale than when Harry first died. I lost a bit of weight making myself look worse. My hair was a mess and the bags under my eyes never went away.

I was so exhausted. I hadn't slept hardly any, Harry's death really hitting me at night. That's when I'd cry and all I'd want to do is hold him. But I couldn't and I never would be able to again. And those where the thoughts that made me angry and frankly I was pretty pissed off right now. I watched as my eyes lost there dull blue and was replaced with the usual deep red. I sighed closing my eyes and standing from the bed. I reached into my draw and pulled out my pocket knife I always carried around.

I exited the house Niall questioning me on where I was going. I ignored him knowing he would know that I was mad and going out for a while. I walked along the streets hiding my face from people who dared to stare at me. It was chilly outside causing me to hug my body tightly for warmth. I was starting to get anxious waiting for the right person to pass by so I could just hurry up and get back home. I started to get into the city area of where Niall lived more people filling up on the sidewalk. I silently thanked myself for getting in this area so quickly.

I felt like my anger was about to boil over and that wouldn't be so good for me. Last time that happened to me I almost got arrested. If it wasn't for Emily I would be in jail right now. I continued to walk eyeing everyone carefully and tuning into there thoughts. That's another thing that's happened since Harry died. I finally mastered the art of reading everyone's mind. I passed by many people, but there was one person that stood out of the rest. He was tall Harry's height to be exact and brown curls were poking out of the blue beanie he was wearing.

His eyes met mine for just a split second and I could have sworn they were green, like Harry's. I shook my head knowing that I was just dreading tomorrow. Tomorrow makes it exactly a month since Harry died and Niall said he would take me to his grave so we could clean it and put some fresh flowers there. I kept walking no one worth killing out today. I felt all my anger slowly disappearing as again I saw the mystery man. He was making his way across the street over to my side, his curls bouncing at the sides as he speed walked across the street. He looked up again his eyes widening when they met mine.

I was so intrigued with this man. He was so much like Harry, but he couldn't be. Harry was dead. I watched as the man entered a bookstore just up ahead. I pushed through people making my way up to the bookstore. I pushed the door open a little bell ringing at the top. The store was dimly lit with rows of bookshelves all stacked right next to each other, tables towards the front of the store. An employee stood behind the counter reading a book himself. I looked among the tables of people seeing if the man was sitting down. He wasn't there and so I began walking along the aisles seeing if he was down any of them. I came to the last aisle, the paranormal section and found him all the way at the end. He seemed to be looking for a book. I walked down the aisle getting closer to him. He was oblivious to my presence until I spoke up. "Excuse me?" I spoke gaining his attention.

He seemed to have tensed up at the sight of me his green eyes piercing into mine. He parted his lips about to say something, but closed them shut just staring at me. I continued to look at him the curls poking out from his beanie the exact same color as Harry's. His lips were plump and red like Harry's. His jeans were thin and tight like Harry's and his white shirt fit his body just like Harry's shirts used to always do. And his eyes were green to. It had to be Harry. I looked down to his arms finding them covered in tattoos. That's one thing Harry didn't have. An arm full of tattoos, he only had some towards his shoulder and down close to his elbow.

A lady interrupted my thoughts when she came up behind the man. "Excuse me sir." She said politely waiting to get through. "Oh sorry." The man spoke and that's what had me sold. It was Harry. I could recognize that voice anywhere. The lady passed through and I stood there staring at him in disbelief. I lifted my arm up pinching myself just to make sure this wasn't a dream. I felt the pain and knew that this wasn't a dream. "Harry." I spoke completely dumbfounded. "Hi Noah." He smiled glancing from me to the floor. "How are you alive?" I asked still bewildered. "Well it's quite a long story. I'll tell you later." He replied shrugging his shoulders. "And your arms." I began stepping forward and grabbing his arm running my fingers along the artwork. "Where did all these come from?" I asked again feeling as if maybe I was getting annoying with all these questions. He chuckled and removed his hands from my grasp wrapping them around my waist and bringing me to his chest. "I tell you later." He replied.

I buried my head in his chest smelling his scent once again, something I figured I could never do again. We pulled back and he cupped my face planting a quick kiss on my lips. "I missed you." He whispered. "I missed you to." I smiled staring up at him. He turned back to the bookshelf and scanned it quickly grabbing an old, dusty, brown book and walking up to the counter me following close behind. He set the book on the counter and retrieved his wallet from his back pocket and paying for the book. "Ah The Book of Death! That's a good one." The man said ringing the book up and telling Harry the price. "You've read it?" He asked. The man nodded. "It's interesting. Some say that the demons it speaks of are real and that they linger in the shadows of the night decreasing our population by the minute." The man whispered creeping me out a bit. Nerd. Harry chuckled and disregarded the man's words paying for the book and walking out grabbing my hand when we reached the sidewalk.

I was confused though as to why he would buy that book. I didn't need to know anything else about Death and neither did he. Or maybe he did. But the way he looked around as if trying to find someone made me question, when he came back to life did someone else come with him?

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