Chapter Sixteen

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Katelyn's P.O.V

I kicked the few rocks that lay on the pathway enjoying the sun and the feel of the wind on my skin. It was nice to be out and enjoying nature for once instead of being cooped up in that stupid hotel room Louis was forced to stay in. Apparently it would help with our cover. I wasn't allowed to think about any plans he had come up with or our location because of Noah. I didn't really care though knowing that my own plans would succeed if I had some kind of backup to help if something went wrong. I planned on getting close to Louis so that I could catch him in his most vulnerable state then rid the world of him. He didn't deserve his life back. Not after everything he's done. I knew that Harry had become a wanted murderer himself, but I understood his reasoning. I was still confused on Louis's mentality. He had no good reason behind everything he's been doing and he seemed a

I jumped when Louis came up beside me. "Change of plans." He said gaining my attention. I looked over at him as he began to explain what we would do instead. "I feel like we need to attack when Harry and Noah are together. You know like kill two birds with one stone." He said and I nodded my head having to mentally change my plans. "So I found out that they're going out to eat for lunch today around 2. Their going to some sub place so I was thinking when their done that we somehow lure them here to the park. Then we can attack them here." He said and I continued to nod my head. "So you my dear are going to be the bait." He said and I stopped in my tracks.

"What?" I asked. "Your going to be the bait you know lure them here. But we're going to need to change up your look a bit." He said taking my hair out of its ponytail. He bent down collecting dirt in his hand and rubbing it along my face adding twigs to my hair also. "Now you look better. What your going to do my dear is pretend that you've been lost in the woods and say that you saw me in there. It'll make them come look to see if I'm really there and that's when we'll attack. Got it?" He asked and I nodded my head knowing that I would actually tell them what's going on instead of have them lose their lives. "Good." He said cupping my face. He began to lean in and I knew he was about to kiss me. I let him do it though, no matter how much I hated it I had to for my plan to fully be completed. I had to let him kiss me.

Noah's P.O.V

I was shaking nervously holding the cards that I had made for Harry to read off of if he got stumbled on a question. "Oh my gosh calm down." He said rolling his eyes pushing a bit of my hair out of my face. "I'm sorry it's just she's the closet thing I have to my mom and I want you to make a good impression on her." I rambled on checking over each note card. "Babe I understand that, but your over acting a bit." He said and I nodded my head knowing I was taking this a bit over the top. "I know I know ok." I said looking out the window as we neared the restaurant. "So how do I introduce myself. As your boyfriend or fiancé?" Harry asked pulling into a parking spot near the front door. I hit his arm glaring at him.

"As my boyfriend idiot." I replied and he laughed, dimples on show as he stepped out of the car. He took my hand and we walked into the restaurant together looking around for my aunt. I noticed her sitting at a booth near one of the windows and pointed her out to Harry. He walked a bit faster than me his smile showing for everyone to see. My aunt immediately stood up and Harry shook her hand introducing himself. He then moved to my uncle doing the same with him as my aunt approached me. She embraced me in a hug then left her hands on my shoulders.

"Oh you look so good." She complimented. "Thanks you to." I replied and she smiled looking over to Harry who was conversing with my uncle. "Man he's a looker." She said and I chuckled as he took a glance our way sending me a wink. "Yeah he certainly is." I said averting my attention back to my aunt. "Your mother wouldn't have liked him though." She said and I knew exactly why. "Cause of the tattoos." We said in sync and giggled together to. "Word of advice though honey you better get you some of that before he decides to fly away." She said and I pretended to gag only making her laugh. That's one thing I always loved about my aunt, she loved to mess around with people.

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