Chapter 1

501 13 3

Mariana's P.O.V

Today I am getting another tattoo I don't have a lot, I only have 5 but today I'm getting my sixth one. I'm not sure yet what I want but I see when I get to the Tattoo Shop.

My friends and I went to a club first but I only took 2 shots of tequila. I'm not a heavy drinker but I'll take 2 to get kind of loose and have fun. We got to the tattoo shop but I wasn't sure what to pick.

I looked around and saw this cute guy talking with his friend, I walked over to him and asked him, because my friends were too messed up to pick a tattoo for me.

"Hey would you mind picking a tattoo for me?" I asked looking up at him

"Ummm, sure but won't you regret in the morning?" he asked walking towards the tattoo catalogs.

"No I'm just not sure what to pick so" I said looking at him

Being honest he was really really cute

"So I can pick anything?" he asked looking at me smiling like a little kid

"Yeah but please no penises or something dumb" I said laughing at the end looking into his eyes

"Oh don't worry, I'll pick something pretty for you" he said smiling and winking at me

I blushed and looked for my friends while he went to the tattoo artist and told him what to tattoo on me, I noticed that my friends weren't here so I took out my phone and texted Melissa the designated driver where they went

To Melissa:

"Dude where did you guys go?

5 Minutes later

From Melissa:

" I took them home because they were acting to crazy but I'll pick you up later when you get done with that guy ;), so text me when you are done!

To Melissa:


I texted her back and smiled, I looked up at the guy who was already staring at me

"Ready?" he asks looking at me and giving me a cheeky smile

"Yeah, Let's go" I said following the tattoo artist and grabbing his hand

"By the way, what's your name?" I asked him while sitting down

"Heath" he smiled and put his hand out for me to shake

"Mariana" I said smiling  grabbing his hand and shaking it

"So let's do this" he said sitting next to me

"Can you hold my hand? my friend always holds my hand but she isn't here" I said looking at him

"Yeah" he said grabbing my hand

"First tattoo?" asked the tattoo artist, "No my sixth" I said still looking at our hands

~~~30 Minutes later~~~

The whole time I had to look at Heath because he wanted it to be a surprise, during that time we played 21 questions and got to know each other.

"Done" said the tattoo artist clapping his hands together

"Let's go and see it" said Heath standing up and waiting for me to get up

I walked over to the mirror looked at my tattoo

"OMG I love it!!Thank you" I said jumping at him and hugging him

"Oh sorry" I said letting go after hugging for like 2 minutes

"No it's fine don't worry, but I'm happy you like it" he said smiling at me

Oh gosh he has the cutest smile ever

"Thank you, you also have a really cute smile" he said laughing

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked embarrassed

"Yeah but don't worry about it, it's cute" he said walking to the plastic wrap and wrapping it around my arm

"Thank you" I said looking deeply into his eyes

"You're welcome" he said smiling and taking 2 steps back

"Well you should pay for that huh?" he asked looking at my arm

"Oh yeah" I said walking over to the cashier and paying it

"Well thank you again for choosing it, I loved it" I said walking towards the door, he was walking behind me, we got outside and I turned around to look at him

"Good night" I said walking towards him and kissing him on the cheek, I stepped back smiled and walked away

Omg! I can't believe I just did that! I've never kissed a random guy, well it wasn't on the lips it was on the cheek

I got to the corner of the block and leaned against the wall, Wheww

To Melissa:

"Hey I'm done, I'll meet you outside In-n-out cause I'm hungry" I texted Melissa and started walking to In-n-out which was 3 blocks away, but don't worry I carry pepper spray with me just in case some idiot tries to do something

From Melissa:

"Alrighty :)"

I kept walking,  I got to In-n-out and lucky me there was only 4 people ordering, there is usually a lot of people at In-n-out, wait..... What time is it? I asked myself looking at my phone and noticing that it is 3:27 am. Ahh shit I thought to my self, it was my turn to order, I walked up and ordered my stuff.

I walked out while eating my burger and holding my shake,  I always eat my fries first :/

I looked around and saw Melissa's car parked, I walked to it and got inside,

"Hey girly" I said getting comfortable

"So how did it go?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows

"It was fun" I said smiling and taking a bite of my burger

"What happened?" she asked taking off her seat belt so she can look at me better

"I kissed him on the cheek, he was really cute and nice" I said kind of fast and taking a bite of my burger again

"That's all?" she asked smiling at me

"Well yeah, I wasn't going to hook up with him" I said kinda laughing

"Well duh I know that" she said laughing, "Did you at least get his number?" she asked looking at me with a kinda serious face

"No" I whispered taking the last bite of my burger

"MARIANA! Why didn't you?" she asked yelling at me

"I'm sorry, I didn't think about it, I was having a good time with him" I said taking a drink of my shake

"Well there are more guys out there" she said sitting right and putting her seat belt on

Yeah but not like Heath.....

I put on my seat belt and drove away......

That's how I met Heath Hussar, after that I didn't stop thinking about him....

Authors note: First chapterrrrr!!! Hope you guys like it!! , I'll try updating Monday, Friday and  Saturday.

TattoosDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora