•21 - Curiously Kidnapped•

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  I wake up nauseous. The world is swaying and throwing me with it, only making me sicker and dizzier. My room is darker than usual, and I guess it's the sickness blotting my vision. But it gives me a headache. Sitting in the light wouldn't be any better, but Jesus Christ, my head.

  I try to sit up, and I hit my head on the roof of something almost immediately. I want to go back to sleep, but I can't. Now I know something is most definitely wrong. I feel around me for my phone; it's gone. And the surface of what I dragged my hand across feels like rough felt... Am I in the trunk of a car? 

  I'm being kidnapped? But who in their right mind would want to kidnap me? Is it Jeff? The blonde? 

  The car swerves to the left, and I — along with everything else in the trunk — swerve too. I try to hold in the bile rising in my throat and pretend to sleep when I feel the car stop moving. Nothing happens for a little while, and I hear a few muffled voices outside of the car.

  "Kate? What are you doing up at one in the morning?"

  Adam? I kick and scream as loud as I possibly can. "Help me!" I yell. "Please, Adam. Help!"

  I don't think anyone can hear me.

  "I wanted to ask if you had made up your mind about me. Have you?"

  "You couldn't have waited for the sun to come up to ask me this?"

  "No, I need to know now, Adam."

  I kick and scream some more. Why can't he hear me?

  "She told me she loved me, Kate." 

  It got deadly silent. Even I stopped my kicking and screaming. You could hear a pin drop. The silence got so eerie. I was afraid of what might happen if I made a sound.

  "And I told her I loved her back." Oh, no. Oh, God no. He shouldn't have said that. Why would he say that? I ram both of my feet into the the roof of the trunk, grunting and yelling each time I do.

  "Someone! Get me out of here," I scream. My throat burns, the air is hot, and there are warm tears crawling down the side of my face. "Please. Help. Adam!"

  The trunk opens suddenly, and I gasp in a huge gulp of air. It's the blonde. She grabs me by my shirt roughly and smacks me just as hard. "Shut up, or will put a bullet through your head right now," she spits, her face only centimeters away from mine.

  I quickly take in my surroundings, whipping my head around so fast that I get whiplash. I don't recognize this place at all. And just before the blonde closes the trunk on me, I kick her. I'm not sure where Adam could have gone off to so quickly.

  I kick the blonde again. Hard. And I catch a glance at Kate; she holds a phone to her face with tears in her eyes... it was a phone call this entire time. I don't have time to feel bad for her. I don't want her to see me. I take off in a random direction. My bare feet run across wet grass, and there's a large mansion to the left of me. Adam's mansion?

  I sprint down the long driveway. I don't care. I have to get to the police as fast as I can. I hear the car tires squeak as speeds to meet me. I jump into the nearest shrub I see. The car stops with a deafening squeal right at the end of the driveway. The doors pop open.

  "It's okay, Kate. She couldn't have gotten that far. Just get back in the car," the blonde says.

  "How could you let her get away!? She's gonna tell the police. I can't go to prison!"

  "Then get in the car so we can find her. We're wasting time." I almost sigh in relief. I hear one of the car doors open, and I release the breath I didn't know I was holding. I try to step around the roots of the tree I hid behind.

  I snap a stick.

  "Bella. Hey, Bella. Did you hear that?"


  They both suddenly appear from both sides of the tree. I kick and thrash and scream as hard and as loud as I possibly can. Bella holds me down and yells at Kate to knock me out.

 Kate balls up her pretty little fist and hesitates at first.

  "We don't have all night. Just hit her already!"

  And she packs whatever strength she can muster from her fist and into my face. My head lolls back and forth each time she hits me. My vision blurs, and I can feel my face throb. And I drift.


  Everything hurts. I can feel my heartbeat exploding in my cheeks. There's something rough around my neck, and there's a blindfold over my eyes. But I'm not in the trunk. Wherever Kate and the Blonde disposed me is cold. I'm sitting up against something edgy, sharp, and hard. I don't hear any voices.Just wind. So I try to knock myself over along with the chair I'm sitting in, but 

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