Chapter 3: The sign

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Eddie actually read the message, but he wasn't sure how he felt.........."was she just another crazed fan wanting to get something from me" he thought numerous times.

Eddie decided to do some research on Cassie Delgado. He found out that she is fifth teen, owns a farm and ha a ton of animals two dogs, three kittens, five chickens, six cows, three horses and one pig. He also found out that she is very athletic.

To him she felt like a perfect girl to have in his life but he still wasn't positive about her.

One day he got an idea of what to for why he didn't text back..........

"Hey, Cassie I am truly sorry for not texting you back. I just didn't know how you would react if I told you that I am not a normal teenage boy that I am Eddie Redmayne........ so yeah."  

Shy LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora