My nightmare

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So hey everyone this is worried typing my dream like this but i have to remember this one. By the way I fell asleep at 12:05am or something. and I woke up at 1:45am.

I wake awake singing one of my favorite song's by Nicole Dollanganger. Its was hair locket, I heard my cat scraching at my door so I opened it and went to sleep. But woke up feeling like fully did but I felt things around my body trying pulling me away from my bad. I was scared to turn around but I did and I really did see its face. I trying to get free and I kept looking at my cat as im trying to escape this things. It calmly said "will you hold me". I slowed down and nodded. When I look at my cat again it was staring at me mad. When I looked my walls hold "WORRIED" all over them. I got up looked around my room to the door and noticed my cat now asleep.

I ran down stair to my cat alive and my cat fatty that i thought was still in my room. I yelled at fatty before she started a fight with alice again. She looked up and did her usual up the stairs rubbibg my lag then go to my room. To see that the other fatty was gone, Then I quickly ran down stairs to see this guy come in my  home. I had feeling that he was my sister's friend . I walked you to him crying and toild him to hug me. All he did was roll his eyes at me and opened his arms. I ran in them and cried. started talking about something to me (I'm forgeting thing from it now) and walked me in the kitchen. and tried to put me on the counter  I slid off not wanting games but someone to hold me. he said "aww come baby don't be like that"(the thing is mine not dating right now.) then kissed me on the lips. Then i heard my sister walking up the stairs from her room. I pushed the guy aside. Yelling my sister's name and that im scared. And all she did was stood in front of the couch and shack her head at me.

I soon woke up terrified the turn around when i woke up. But I did turning on the light real fast nothing. look at the clock it was 1:45 . i heard my cat sleeping calmly next to me and my walls clean. I even typed friends that i know that would be up. Guys I don't know what to do. I don't want to go to sleep.

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