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Hey guys I just want you to know that if you want to contact me my number is 417-247-5507 please try to contact me I need more friends. And 2nd Geo is my friend he is a guy so I choose his name and bcuz he's gay i make Yoai boy x boy and gay or lesbian shit on here because if any of my actual friends read this I'm Coming out of the closet I'm not a straight line I'm a semi squiggly line meaning im bisexual lmao but seriously I can't tell my family cuz they would go and get garlic, stakes, and crucifix's. And BTW sometimes I'll put sumpin like did in a story *blah blah comment shit* that normally means an interaction but sumtimes it means a comment on Yoaitube badum chh

Yandere Jacksepticeye x Geo Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu