L.A. lights

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Geo's POV

"Ugh I've been ficking waiting here for an hour!"
"Hello sir are you that YouTuber Geo-Senpai?"
"Yes may I help you?"
"Can I have your autograph and a selfie?" " this is for my daughter she has a huge crush on you!"
"Um okay anything for a fan!"
*takes picture with the Women*
"Um if your daughter want's to she can call me at this number."
"No problem." "Now I've gotta continue looking for a friend."
"Okay thank you for your time sir."

Jack's POV

"Mark who was that lady he gave his number to?"
"I don't know?" "Maybe a fan?"
"Oh yeah I forgot he has fans."
"Wow Sean getting salty much!?"
"Oh shut up Merk!"
"Okay let's just go in and surprise him."
"Oh yeah the surprise!"
"Hurry up let's go Merk!!!"
"Okay." We walk in

Yandere Jacksepticeye x Geo Where stories live. Discover now