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He turned the last page of his Cognate exercises book along with her. Still being in Sophie's head, Fitz could see how she reacted mentally to the text on the page.

Share your most guarded secrets.

And as Fitz searched for anything in Sophie's mind to keep himself from revealing his secret, he noticed something. In the midst of Sophie's panic, Fitz saw a Trigger Cue, glowing into existence--and then it vanished.

Wait--never mind. He transmitted. What did you just do?

What do you mean? Sophie replied. Panic? Of course I did! 

Ha-ha. I just saw a Trigger Cue--remember those from our time in Alluveterre? And just now it disappeared.

Sophie paled, then gulped. I bet it appeared because ....

Because why?

Sophie didn't answer. "I have to go," she said instead. "See you, Fitz."

"Already?" Fitz checked his watch, and sure enough, it was dinnertime. "I'll see you to the door then."

"You don't need to do that," Sophie mumbled, her cheeks reddening.

"I know. But I want to." Fitz snuck a glance at his friend, and though she'd averted her head, he could have sworn she smiled. Too bad what he would say next would wipe it away. "Sophie, you can't avoid sharing whatever it is you're terrified to tell me much longer. Let's say in three days we tackle that exercise again--only we actually do it."

Fitz could see the terror in Sophie's eyes and he empathized with her. He didn't want to tell her his secret any more than she did. 

"Fine," Sophie said, putting her Cognate book in her bag. "But only if you go first."

"Deal." Anything to make her smile again. Then he remembered a present he'd bought Sophie the other day in Atlantis. "Wait a sec. I want to give you something." He pulled a box from his drawer and handed it to her.

Sophie lifted the lid and beamed. "You got a charm bracelet for Ella--and a Mr. Snuggles charm? Oh, Fitz!" She hugged him happily (though quite briefly). "I love them! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome." Fitz managed to say coherently. The Sophie Foster had hugged him! Sure he was crimson, Fitz told her, "I figured you two lovers should match." 

Sophie rolled her eyes and elbowed him--but she was blushing, too. "You're hopeless."

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