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That night Fitz's thoughts kept straying back to the hug Sophie gave him against his will. More than once he'd caught himself wondering what would get a better reaction than an embrace ... no. He wasn't going there. Sophie probably thought of him as a friend, no more, no less. So he focused on the Trigger Cue. Trigger Cues led you to a secret ... and it appeared right after Sophie had read the words in the book ... that meant that the Trigger Cue was the path to the secret Sophie was terrified to tell him.

Needless to say, Fitz didn't sleep much. In the morning, he raised his theory about the Trigger Cue with Alden, who also thought Fitz's conclusion the most logical explanation. "Now, I hope you aren't pressuring her too hard," he warned.

"I'm not," Fitz assured Alden. "But it is high time we buckle down to it."

"I suppose you're right," Alden agreed.

"Well, I'm off to Atlantis," Fitz said. "Need anything."

"No, you go on ahead. At the rate you're giving her gifts, it's a wonder she hasn't noticed your feelings."

"She's really oblivious. Part of me likes that she is, but the rest wishes she isn't."

"I wouldn't be so quick to sell her out," Alden said. "It's more than likely she's thinking along the same lines you are--from what I've observed. But what do I know?" He shrugged. "Have fun."

"Bye, Dad." Fitz's love life was getting more complicated by the day.

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