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Two days later, Fitz awoke with a horrid feeling in the pit of his stomach. He had to share his secret with Sophie today.

This would not go over well.

Fitz skipped breakfast, knowing he couldn't stomach the food. Instead, he rehearsed what he would say to Sophie until he knew it by heart. That afternoon he leaped to Havenfield and ascended the stairs to Sophie's room. Just one step at a time, he thought, his heart thumping wildly. Then he reached her door, knocked, and entered. "Sophie, you ready?"

She stood by the windows, light illuminating her golden hair.


She turned, and Fitz saw it happen: her eyes dilated and shrank, repeating in a crazy pattern. Sophie took a step forward, then collapsed. Fitz was barely able to catch her before she hit the ground. "Sophie, what's wrong? Answer me!" And then, without thinking, Fitz plunged his consciousness into hers.

It was strangely calm. Sophie's memories were all intact, but something still felt wrong. Fitz quickly realized what had happened. Sophie's mind wasn't broken, but she wasn't there. Perhaps she'd hidden herself away, trying to avoid the exercise looming before her. Fitz scurried through Sophie's mind, frantically transmitting her name as he searched. 

And then he saw it. The Trigger Cue.

Could she be ...? He hardly dared to hope, But he followed the path, which felt like he was being burned with Everblaze all the way up. Finally he found the words: Fitzroy Avery Vacker. Fitz didn't realize he transmitted his name, but he was dropped into a series of memories, all of which had to do with him.

Every. Single. One. Some were things he'd said, but mostly they were the times her heart fluttered, or her hand sweated.

When the memories ended, Fitz didn't know what do do. Or say. Or think. Then the revelation blossomed: Sophie ... has a crush on me!

Now he knew her secret. But not Fitz had to bring Sophie back.

Sophie? He called, so loud it echoed. Come back. I need you.


Fitz took a deep breath, knowing that it was his last strategy. So he steeled himself and transmitted his secret.

A beat. Then Sophie shifted slightly in his arms and thought, GET OUT OF MY BRAIN!

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