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Hey ya'll. 

I'm Eragonia Mesawatkins 

Just kidding. I'm Huda. People call me Hud.

Or Froggy -.- But that's to piss me off.

I'm literally like the boredest human on this planet and I've decided to put my rants on here. I love ranting.

Firstly, I'm Asian from Pakistan. And hell yeah, you're right. Unfortunately, I'm brown. 

As ya'll know, brown people face a lot of difficulties in their life, especially if they aren't living in there own country. Like me. I live in UAE (United Arab Emirates) and I've met a lot of people from all over the world and they don't know where UAE is. Bish, look it up. They teach Geography for a reason.

I'm going to be ranting about my life and if ya'll have anything against whatever I'm doing here, then leave.




*throws a bomb at you*

Anywho, the rest of you are the Chosen Ones in my territory (I might be a bad influence. Don't say, I didn't warn you).

WARNING: If you have anything against bad language, sexual comments and violence, please don't read. Especially under 13s. This ain't a place for you.


Eragonia out xxx

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