Tomie - Re-Birth

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  Alone and isolated. Trapped within the void of the planet. The one area where all life is lost. The one place where no man hopes to be deserted. There walks a soldier. A military man. The lone survivor of a military air raid gone wrong. His squadron wiped out, his aircraft completely disjointed. His only guide, his only tormentor. The sun burns brightly upon him. Setting his skin ablaze. While giving his eyes a sight to see, and source to follow. With all forms of life kept to a minimum. The sun has become his only friend.

  Miles away from any known civilization. The wary soldier begins travel through a foreign escape. Stripped to the bare minimal. With nothing but the clothes on his back, and gear he was able to carry over from his F-16V fighter jet. The most valuable item he holds is nothing more than a half empty canteen. Anything else is a mere luxury he cannot afford. All other things are meaningless if you can't survive long enough to see use of them. Even food is a scarce resource he longs for.

  The space is silent. Giving him time to think. He focuses his memories. Reminiscing on the thoughts he felt before this morning. Things he can hardly remember. He thinks about his mission, and how getting blasted out of the air must've felt. All he can remember is the mission briefing, fly over the mission area and release the payload to nullify the terrorist threat. What started off as a simple mission would turn more complex as the enemy revealed an unknown anti-air strike force. Just as his missile was about to drop, completing his mission. It and him both were shot out of the air before it could fully leave his vehicle.
  As his plane staggered through the air. He could see his teammates falling around him. Dropping like flies. Those who emergency ejected were shot down before their feet could meet the ground. Those who did not eject would suffer from a pain worse than death as their cockpits caught a flame within a confine space. Luckily he was able to make it a safe enough distance before crashing. That much, he can remember. As for the rest, he can only wish for their survival. Anticipate their return. And hope they are doing better than him (in terms of travel at least).

  During his travels. The well grown soldier comes across a fairly human sized burrow of land. And quite to his surprise, within it lied a girl. A young girl of oriental origins. Her hair darker than the blackest of tar. And her skin, contrary to her surroundings, boasted a beautifully pale white coloring.
  However, upon closer inspection. The fairly young soldier would come to recognize it as nothing more than a head. A severed head. The severed head of a pretty young girl, who was possibly carried out to the desert and murdered. Feeling remorse. Due to having nothing to leave her, nothing to commemorate her passing.
  The man turned to his knees and whispered a quick prayer. Hoping to appease the newly deceased. To God he asked to retrieve her soul and guide her up into heaven with his warmth. And from God he heard a voice. A beautiful voice, one befitting of an angel. He heard a voice that said:

  "Help me escape from the cruelness of this world, and I shall help you escape from this abyss in return. And if that is not a fair enough trade, then instead of guiding you away from this desert. I can lead you to a secret treasure. One worth more than anything currently held by any mere man."

  Believing he had turned insane. The soldier fell backwards onto the sand. And facing in front of him was the head. It's neck in the sand and its eyes perked up high. It stared back at the man with a teasing smile. Untouched it remained, but its position had changed. With life fully revived through the color within her eyes. The severed head spoke like it was never dead.
  The man himself shivered with fear, and rightfully so. In all his times of war, he thought he've seen the worst of it. Surprise bombings, nuclear raids, mines and claymores, and torture devices like you never seen. But no amount of marine or seal training could prepare him for this. A severed head, completely removed from its body, spoke in a way that wasn't scientifically possible.

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