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Guys sorry for being inactive for how many years....TT
I was forced to delete wattpad so please understand me..
And also I was shock when i heard about the preview of season 7 coz i haven't heard lately from the mlp fandom since i'm finishing anime shows and reading manhwas.....
Sooo heres a chapter for my apology

Rainbow's pov

Its already 8:30 and our flight is around 10:00
Blitz is using his laptop, Soarin is playing with a Rubix Cube, and i am watching TV right here

my phone's ringtone rang and i saw soarin opened his phone which made me laugh in my head because i know that ringtone came from my phone

I answered it "hello"

I heard a familiar voice at the other line
"Rainbow......" wavechill? "Why did you call?" I asked as i look over to soarin coz i can see him stealing glances from me

"Why didn't you tell me that you'll leave hollywood today?" He asked

"you don't care" i heard soarin's mutter

I faked smile "oh didn't I? Heeh sorry, i was too busy that i didn't have a time to tell you" i said

"Well your flight is 10:00 right? Can i meet you in the airport around 9:20?" he pleaded "fine....." i hang up and my eyes rest on soarin's focused face on the rubix cube

I've been meaning to ask myself lately
Is soarin a playboy? Did he ever dated anyone? The love actions he did to me, is he playing with me? Does he have a girlfriend right now?

Soarin's face changed from a focused one to an angry one
Did he just read my mind?

He finished the rubix cube with sigh, he looked over at his watch

P.S. : i wasn't really looking at soarin the whole time, i keep glancing on him only

"Hey blitz" called soarin "its 8:45 we have to go"

"Ok" blitz shut his laptop down and got his backpack "I'm going to ready the car so the two of you wait outside" he ordered us

"Roger" i muttered

I drag my luggage outside and same goes to soarin
He still has that angry face
We stopped in front of the house to wait for blitz, its boring to just stand here weirdly with soarin.... sooo i tried to ask him since he still has that angry face which i told you

"Soarin, why do you have that face? It makes me worry--" i was interuppted
"don't ever talk like that"
"But i am just worrie--" "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO WORRY FOR ME?!?! JUST MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS OKAY?!" he sh-shouted at me.......... that is the first time he gave me that face and the first time to shout at me too

I remained silent the rest of the car ride to the airport

The airport is far from our house so we arrive there around 9:17

When I went down the car.... i saw wavechill running to me and he hugged me
"Dash here is a present for you, don't forget me" i looked at it " thanks" and then he smiled
I can see soarin glaring "well i have to go now, bye dash! Bye soarin!" And then he left
I don't what he is up to

"Umm lets go" i carried my luggage inside while cartying wavechill's gift

Sooo i am too lazy to say all the things we did in the airport
Its 9:40 and they are already calling us to get inside the airplane
We went in as they said

Soarin sat in near the window, Blitz sat in the middle and i sat in the right side

No one is talking coz they're soo busy
I mean! Soarin doesn't really want to talk to me thats why he is just using his earphones and stares outside of the window, Blitz is finishing something on his laptop, and me? I don't what the hell i am doing but i know that i am sitting here and looking everywhere
I gave up and decided to open wavechill's gift for me... its a bracelet?
I put it back and put it on my bag

I opened my phone and started to continue watching Tokyo Ghoul (its an anime)

The plane started flying and i don't know what the hell is going on

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