Chapter 3: San Diego

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July 2020

4 years before

I had always experienced life as a sequence of unexpected milestones, of instants, of minuscule insignificant acts that somehow change it all. Somewhat shaping the character of the person we end up being, of the life we lead. I know now that spontaneous weekend in San Diego was definitely one of mine.

It all started like most things do, in the comfortable pace of routine, in that space in time where nothing seems to possibly go out of the script. Until it does.

"Okay kids, I'm going home," Nick announced while pressing his hands on his desk and raising from his chair, ending with those words the three-hour meeting we had.

Sitting right beside me, Alex stood up mirroring his father's actions, they shared the exact same body language and gestures, so much sometimes I was taken aback by it.

"Make sure you get her to Hobbs on time, Alexander," Nick said while pulling me into a tight hug as I reluctantly lifted my body from the comfortable chair I was sitting on, "you take care, yeah? I'll be paying you a visit at some point next week, mainly to check they gave you an 'individual trailer'," laughter possessing him before he was even able to end his phrase

Playfully smacking his shoulder I stated in a mocked-serious way, "They better had, Nicholas."

"You created a diva, Pops," Alex joked while shaking his head and shrugging, his eyes closed.

Nick tapped Alex's arm in the usual loving gesture he used to connect with his son, they weren't demonstrative with each other, but the amazing bond and love they shared were heartwarming. They both nodded in a mutual silent agreement before Nick finally left the office.

"Want a lift?" Alex offered as the door slid closed.

I smiled and nodded before begging, "Please."

A few drops of rain were still falling from the sky when we walked outside, like the final aftertaste of the storm that kept us company all the way through our meeting. I enveloped myself in the light cardigan I was wearing, the chilly air hitting me fast.

"Want my blazer?" he asked, suddenly aware of my slight shiver.

I shook my head, "It's ok, I'll warm up in the car," I assured.

The car was a block away from the office, and Alex spent the whole length of it teasing me over the individual trailer I asked and how it was going to be my 'wedded pad'. The truth was I became obsessed with my ovulation calendar in mind, and Harry's visits to the filming set in New Mexico. I wasn't going to admit it so I just eye rolled in response before sliding my trembling body into his car.

"Ugh, I hate L.A.,"I huffed resting my head on the seat as we made our way through Sunset Boulevard, "no offense," I added turning my head towards him, suddenly remembering he was born and raised there.

"Not taken at all," he assured, "you know what we should do? We should go to San Diego for the weekend," his voice slightly high-pitched with excitement.

I chuckled straightening in my seat, " How come you always have the same idea?"

"I just love San Diego, Liv, sue me," he said casually, his eyes fixed on the street, "wanna come or not?"

In a normal situation, I would have probably declined his invitation politely, but I just needed some time off and San Diego seemed like the best option next to coming back to Harry's empty house in West Hollywood. Alex had a house there, an actual bachelor's pad he used to take some girls probably but mainly a spot to crash during his many surf getaways.

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