*~Chapter fourteen (Scar)~*

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*~Chapter fourteen (Scar)~*

Sami nocked the arrow, took aim, steadied his hand against his mouth, then released the arrow in one swift practised move. In a blink, it was embedded deep into the palm tree right next to the head of one of their slumbering men. The unsuspecting man screamed and scrambled away from the tree, tripping a few times and eventually falling to the ground nose-first. The others exploded in laughter. Smirking, he unstrung his bow and strapped it to his back.

The men suddenly grew silent. He cursed inwardly. He sensed his presence behind him before he heard him.

"I'm very glad to see that you've returned."

As always and without fail, a shiver snaked down Sami's spine at the sound of his sickly-sweet voice. He turned around to face his leader, praying his expression betrayed nothing of the unease he felt. A foreboding, dark aura hung around him like a fearsome cape, so strong and potent that it was nearly palpable. In the past, Sami had served under many an evil man, but none had made him question his allegiance and doubt its wisdom quite like Ja'far did. Unreadable green cat-like eyes start back at him. His hideous scar that extended from the left side of his forehead, across his eyes and down to his cheek- a memento from the man they now hunted- looked especially ugly today. Many would have considered Ja'far to be handsome if not for the gash across his face.

"I was tempted to. After all, what you are planning is suicide." He admitted in all honesty, meeting Ja'far's eyes. Lesser, less useful men would have had their heads hacked off for doubting Ja'far's plan and practically accusing him of insanity. "Nevertheless, as long as you pay me, I will remain."

The older man smiled a bloodcurdling, bone-chilling smile that hinted at the horrors to come if Ja'far succeeded in breaching Malamar. "Fear not, my boy. I've already secured a way into town." If only Sami felt as assured as Ja'far sounded.


Ja'far, with a flick of his hand, waved away the rest of his men. They'd found an oasis close to their cam, and they had all ridden to it to freshen themselves up. They mounted their horses and took off back to the camp, kicking up a storm of sand in their wake, leaving only Ja'far and Sami in the small oasis.

"Fear not, my boy," he repeated, then said nothing further to elaborate. He was tight-lipped even from him. It irritated him to no end, for he'd always risked life and limb when it was needed of him, had done nothing to make Ja'far question his loyalty, and yet Ja'far did not deem him trustworthy enough. Then again, the man trusted no-one but himself. It was probably how he'd lived past the age of fifty, despite the horde of enemies that were in constant pursuit of him and wanted him dead. For now, he would let it go.

"What do you have for me?" he asked with a note of impatience in his voice, eyeing Sami expectantly. He always expected, nay demanded, results -pleasing results- from his men. One could rightfully consider their life forfeit should they fail to provide them.

Sami relayed everything he'd found and seen, sparing no detail no matter how small. Ja'far was a brilliant tactician and strategist, and Sami had seen him make use of seemingly minuscule details to their advantage multiple times.

With a raised eyebrow, he questioned in an incredulous voice, "A woman? Are you absolutely sure?"

"I'm positive." There was no doubt about it.

Sami watched Ja'far's expression slowly shift from surprise to something very terrifying. A sense of foreboding tickled at his senses, and he became very sorry for whoever Ja'far's dark intentions were directed at. He resisted the overwhelming urge to shudder before him. His face had completely turned into a familiar ruthless mask —the face he customarily made when Ja'far had found the ultimate way to crush an enemy. A smirk played at the corner of his mouth. Something dark and cruel glistened in his eyes that shone like two gemstones.

An Arabian wolf howled ominously in the distance, the hollow sound echoing throughout the barren desert. Sami shuddered then.

"How close is she to him?"

"That much I don't know." Sami toyed with his gold, ruby-encrusted thumb ring, twisting it in his thumb.

"Then go back and find out," he commanded. His eyes warned against any protests Sami might have been about to voice.

Frowning in displeasure, Sami asked, "Why?"

"She may very well prove to be the key to Zain's undoing."


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